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03 | dealing with being awake

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03 | dealing with being awake

Shock. That's all the brunette could feel as her mother's car came to a standstill just out of the blast zone. The car in front hadn't been so lucky, being the cause of the explosion, having flipped over another vehicle.

Electricity ran through her veins, keeping Kelissa frozen in place. Strangely, no trace of fear had entered Kelissa's emotions. It was more like a sense of knowing, like somehow, someway she had known that this was to occur.

She could feel her mother shaking her, taking her seatbelt off. It snapped Kelissa back, pressing the button to release her own seatbelt. Practically jumping out of the car, she frantically rushed to the other side of the vehicle, helping her mother out.

A voice sounded from behind her, one that strangely resembled a voice that she knew. It sounded a bit more mature, roughened slightly through age, but not much different than the boy she grew up with and would recognize if her life depended on it.

Kelissa turned, eyes landing on the face she knew so well. With one nod from her mother, who was already on her phone, Kelissa was bounding over to Bartholomew Allen, strangling him with a ferocious hug, her legs wrapped around his waist. The Allen boy was thin and lanky, no doubt, but her 5'5 build was no match for his 6'2 form.

Sirens were blaring in the background, nearing closer and closer. Another voice sounded as soon as the pair had broken up their reunion, said voice belonging to the third member of their trio, Iris West, who couldn't have been more pleased in the situation to have been reunited with Kelissa.

These were the people Kelissa had shared her fondest memories with, had formed all of them with, and would always hold dear to her heart. And, here, right now, was the first moment Kelissa truly felt at home since her return to Central City.


"That poor man," Iris stared sadly at the passing gurney, covered with a black bag to signify the dead body underneath. "The way that fog came in, I have never seen anything like it."

"Barry! Iris!" Joe West called from behind them. He hadn't seen the hidden figure of Kelissa just yet, but a warm feeling fluttered in her chest at the thought of the man who had always been her second father.

"I'm all right, dad," Iris comforted him.

"What were you thinking, having her out here?" His anger clouded his vision, preventing him from recognizing the young brunette next to Barry. "And I told you," he turned to Iris, "when you see danger, you run the other way. You're not a cop."

"You wouldn't let me," Iris fought back.

"Damn right!"

"Um, yes, hi, hello, bad time to intrude, but it's nice seeing you again," Kelissa awkwardly interjected, Iris sending her a thankful look. She knew that Iris didn't like getting into fights with her father.

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