"So should we start packing mother?"

"Well you can help me pack my clothes and pap's if you want maestro. Because lord knows pap and his laziness"

"I'm on it mother" maestro said jumping from the table going to Jordie and pap's room looking for good clothes for them to wear.


After a hour long car drive they made it to the hotel (Picture at the top) having the convention right across the street. Getting out Jordie saw a huge crowd of fans both humans and monsters screaming seeing her and pap along with the bitties to Jordie blushed with embarrassment clinging on to pap's arm he smiled rubbing her head "hey don't worry they won't hurt you babe I'm here" he assured making her smile. They started walking into the hotel security guards blocking off the crazy fans letting Jordie and pap get through into the hotel.

Catching their breath getting through the hotel doors "who knew fans would be grabby" Jordie said "Yeah from what I heard they blow" pap replied making Jordie giggle. She then was amazed at inside of the lobby it looked so beautiful.

"wow..." she said amazed looking around

" she said amazed looking around

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"This is so pretty mama"

"I know cherry I'm really amazed to" she replied

"babe are sure that director guy is paying for this?"

"that's what he said"

Someone then started coming towards them stopping when they got up to them

"Are you miss Jordie and mister papyrus along with your bitties"

"if your here for a autograph we don't do those" pap said

"No I'm here to take you to your room please follow me"

They followed the person to their room which was even more prettier than the lobby. Jordie sat down on the bed flopping back on to it sighing with relief of how comfy it felt. While pap was looking for some tip money to give to the nice person taking out a five dollar bill.

"here thank you"

"oh no need sir it's alright"

"No I insist please take it"

"well... okay thank you sir" the person took the money they really didn't need and left

Pap then flopped down on the bed along with Jordie and the bitties all laughing with each other pap grabbed Jordie pulling her closer giving her a kiss on the cheek. Jordie then wrapped her arms around him now snuggling with each other.

Then there was a knock on the door everyone sat up. Jordie went over opening the door seeing some fans two being human girls and one being a monster they screamed as they saw her making Jordie cover her ears.

"How can I help you guys?" she asked

"Jordie can we have you and papyrus' autograph" one of the girls said

"well me and pap aren't taking autographs right now"

The girls and monster started to give a sad face when she said that

"B-but I guess we can for you guys" Jordie then turned back calling to pap "baby think you can bring a pen over here"

"sure babe" pap called back picking up a pen bringing it to her at the door making the fans scream again. Taking the pen Jordie and pap both signed what the fans wanted them to sign.

"Alright thank you for coming but we need to go back and lay down" Jordie said making the fans giggle having her blush "n-not in that way just for relaxing" she shuttered

"oh okay~ Jordie we'll leave you two be" one said as the started walking away

"It's not in that way" she called

Jordie closed the door sighing pap noticed her that she wasn't in much of a good mood "come on over here sweetheart I know more snuggling with me will make you feel better" he said

"eeeeewwww papa not in front of us" cherry said a little grossed out

"sorry but when my babe's down I know what cheers her up" he replied opening his arms Jordie giggled running towards him wrapping her arms around him giving each other a big kiss falling on top of the bed.


I'll upload the part where their at their panel tomorrow hope you guys like it.

bittybones fanfic cherry and brassy (Finished)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu