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My world stands still as I stare at you
Once your close I never know what I should do
Your smile Is contagious to me and my walls
You're what's going to one day cause me my downfall
But I know it'll never last our little time
Cause what ever happens, you'll never be mine
Not even if I try

I sit in bed just thinking of why I have no chance
I'm nothing more than just a freelance
I feel myself smile at the thought of your warm words
But frown once I realize I'm just bird
Who flys of fear when someone is too near
I realize I'd rather be alone, than be left unheard

Out of all the places to be able to stay
Being in your arms is something I wouldn't hate
From everything I would get lost in
Your smile is favorite, even your wicked grin
That's when the feels start to begin

Like the deepest part of any ocean coast
Your eyes is what drowns me in the most
Maybe one day the pain will stop, even after every truth
After everything we've been through
I'll still choose you

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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