
"Hey Simone, sorry I missed your calls, I got your message, how are you doing?" Chris asked sounding rather relaxed.

"Mr. I have been calling you nearly all day, where have you been?" I was a little peeved, but it was Chris after all so it wasn't that serious.

Chris chuckled lightly, "well mother, I was at a retreat and we turn our phones off, I had forgotten all about it and should have let you know I would be gone for the weekend, I do apologize."

"Hmmm, let me think about it, apology accepted."

"Ah well that's a relief I thought you weren't even going to give me another chance, your too kind my dear."

"Yup that's me; I am truly an angel; which just happens to be my middle name."

"So do you have any good news to tell me?"

"Unfortunately no, it's nothing like that, but I do need to talk with you."

"Sure, that's not a problem; you want to do it now or over lunch tomorrow?"

"Umm, lunch sounds better, my treat though, it will kind of be a thank you for being there for me the other night."

"Come on Simone there is no need to thank me, that's what friends are for after all."

Chris and I continued our talk for a few more minutes, he told me a little about his peaceful retreat and I must say I felt a pang of jealousy because he was so at peace and comfortable in his own skin; I looked over and saw that Eric was winding down and I didn't want to disturb his sleep.

"Ok so tomorrow at noon right?"

"Yeah, that's perfect, have a wonderful night my dear."

"Thanks, you do the same."

I then turned off the lights and curled up on my side at which point Eric rolled over and put his hand around me, he proceeded to lean in closer and whispered, "Good night my love, sleep well."

Before I could even respond he planted a kiss on my cheek; I smiled at this, "thanks babe you do the same."

It always amazes me at how quickly morning comes but for some reason I was awake before the alarm went off. I grabbed a blanket, using it as a shawl and went onto the balcony to watch the sun come up and I was amazed at how I never took the time to watch a sunrise or a sunset, never really taking time to appreciate the beauty around me and feel closer to the one who created it all.

Boy was I self-absorbed or what, I wouldn't call myself cocky or anything like that and I definitely didn't look down on others but the fact that I didn't take time out of my life to enjoy or appreciate the simpler things in life, what does that say about me.


So it's now 11:30 am and I was wrapping things up before heading off to meet Chris for lunch, I didn't have to worry about Eric because our lunch times didn't correspond and he worked quite a few blocks away from me, I would sometimes delay my lunch and go surprise him, I could always get a train, cab or a bus if I was desperate.

I loved my job but I couldn't wait to leave and see Chris, everyone was walking around giving me a sympathetic smile and those who I was fairly close so would give me a hug and say they were there for me, if I needed anything just ask, was there anything they could do, how was I holding up, the questions and comments just kept coming. I was starting to feel as though I was some type of new creature that was just discovered and now I was under scrutiny by everyone.

I had been so anxious to get back to work but now I am thinking this is going to be a long day, all I could do was smile and respond, "I am ok."

So now I was avoiding leaving my office for anything and remained there to finish up on some paper work and approve or deny some new campaigns. I kept glancing over at the clock; boy time was surely moving slowly.

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