January 22,2017

4 0 0

Dear Diary,
Hello AGAIN Diary!
Today..WAS HE WORST! [if you could tell with the CAPS and the bolding ]
Why you may ask? Well,today at school,I ACCIDENTALLY FORGOT TO DO MY HOMEWORK AND GOT SCOLDED!!!>:(( [well..I mean...it is my fault..;_;]
Also,Hops ate my carrot sticks when I accidentally put my lunch bag near her cage and I DONT KNOW HOW but she literally hopped out of her cage and ate them! And why didn't Rolly take care of them you may ask,it's 'cause she was sleeping..And so,I had nothing to eat [You may be thinking..WHO THE HELL ONLY HAS CARROT STICKS FOR LUNCH?! Well,that's me..Allison Lee..I love..I Mean..LOVE carrots!] Anyway..gotta go study..bai 💕🐳

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