25 - brunch and beratings

Depuis le début

Boyfriend, now. But he doesn't know that. He can't know that. I wonder when Trevor and I are going to start dating. Fake-dating. I wonder how long he's going to make me keep it up. Until he decides to keep back with Amber for the 100th time? Until college?

"Right," Elijah nods. "In the middle of the night, while you were here alone. His shirt was inside out when he left, by the way."

In another situation I would've laughed at the thought of Holden sneaking out the back door with his shirt the wrong way, paranoid about getting caught. But Elijah's accusing tone is pissing me off.

"Are you insinuating something?" I ask, narrowing my eyes. Of course he is. I know exactly what he's suggesting. Why is he grilling me? Who does he think he is, to go around making assumptions and then spreading them around to my Aunt and Uncle?

"I'm just saying," he says sternly, "I don't want him here, alone with you at night," he says with complete confidence and sureness. My jaw clenches.

"It's not up to you," I spit.

"No," he agrees. "It's up to my mom and Derek. And they've already told you the same thing, weeks ago."

I roll my eyes. "Listen, Elijah. I don't know what you think you know, or what you told Derek and Aunt Lindsey, but you really need to mind your business. I don't need anyone's permission to see or talk to whoever I want. And I'm certainly not talking about this right now. Good night."

Leaving him in the hall, I walk off and go the bathroom, closing the door behind me and leaning against it.


I push myself off the door, and sigh turning on the shower. The steam heats up the room as I peel my clothes off, trying to force myself to relax. This has been the longest night of my life.


I wake up to two quick knocks at my bedroom door. I ignore them, still hazy with sleep, letting myself slip back into nothingness. Again, more knocking. This time I hear the door crack open slowly when I don't respond.

Keeping my eyes closed, I pull my covers over my head in annoyance. I could sleep for a thousand years. And why shouldn't I, after the night I had?

"Harper," a mans voice comes from my doorway, stern but not loud. Derek. "I know you're tired, but your Aunt asked that I wake you. Someone's downstairs to see you."

I groan. The haziness of my sleep is starting to ware off the longer I stay up to listen to Derek's voice. The smell of bacon hits me, wafting in from my cracked door.

"Alright," I say. My voice comes out muffled, as I'm still under my covers. After a few seconds I hear the door close, signaling Derek has left.

I throw the covers from over my head and peek at the alarm clock on my dresser--10:27. Jumping out of bed, I blink a few times. I must've sat up to fast, judging by the black spots in my vision. Standing up, I wince at the cold floor against my bare feet, yawn and stretch.

Who's here to see me? More police officers? April to tell me she can't go through with these? Becca to tell me I missed a great after party? Holden to check on me?

I stay in my pajamas. Silk shorts and a matching silk tank top that are too cute to change out of. As I leave my room and walk down the stairs, I can hear laughter. Aunt Lindsey's and someone I can't recognize--a man? Not Elijah or Derek, though. Not Holden...

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