"Nigga, you wouldn't wake the hell up." I said reminding him.

Deandre put his hand under my towel placing it over my small bump while I stood next to him taking my phone off the charger looking at it. "Damn my baby really in there." He said.

"Boy," I said smiling rolling my eyes looking down at my phone.

"Stop, freaky ass." I said blushing when his other hand went up the back of my thigh and his thumb neared somewhere.

"You love it and I dare you to lie." He said gently lifting me and placing me on the bed with him.

I shut up as he kissed on my neck not even about to try and deny it right now.

My phone started ringing I was gonna ignore it, but I answered seeing it was Cierra.

"H-hello." I all but moan into the damn phone when Deandre's to fingers slide over my clit then between my lips down below.

"What you doing?" She asked.

"Slippery." Deandre said placing his fingers that were now covered in my juices into his mouth. I blushed slapping his shoulder.

"Nothing," I said as Deandre went back to kissing my neck

I was getting extremely turned on and he knew it, but I was also trying to make sure my best friend is good and if she needs anything.

"You got anything planned today?" She asked. "I wanna stop by after dropping the boys off since I don't have work today. I need a distraction for the day."

"You know I'm here come on over." I said. "We can eat, talk, cry, laugh, whatever you need girl."

I got distracted when Deandre went down and pulled me up and over on to his face.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a knowing voice.

"Uh," I said trying to hold my moan in as his tongue moved in between my lips. "I gotta go, but I'll see you in an hour." I said gasping when his tongue slide over my clit.

"Bitch," She said chuckling before saying bye and thankfully hanging up because I'm sure I would have got distracted.

"Oh shit." I moaned dropping the phone as his tongue worked over my clit oh so perfectly.

"Why you got that men's underwear on?" Cierra asked when I opened the door for her.

"Because they're comfortable as hell. Don't act like you don't be wearin Mike's too. You know."

"True." She said making a ugly face at the mention of his name.

"So you've been staying at your moms?" I ask Cierra as we sat on the couch talking.

It's been a couple days since finding out Mike has another son.

"Yeah, I just need a break."

"A break only?" I ask trying to see where exactly her head is at.

She shrugged, "Yeah, for now. I mean I'm not gonna up and look for my own place or anything. I just need space to wrap my head around all this."

"But I can't help but think damn 10 years, Cierra. 10 years together now married. I just want y'all to both fight through this together. Y'all have to."

She rolled her eyes obviously not wanting to hear what I'm saying, "That's like me asking you how you could move on after Jigz after years and going through so much together. Shit, sorry I know that's completely different. Ugh, now I'm being a bitch to you when I need you most." She finishes thinking she's offended me, but it doesn't.

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