Chapter 8

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Rebekah POV

Once we got to the bowling alley, Misha parked the car and we got out and made our way inside the bowling alley. Their were teenagers, adults, and little kids around the bowling alley, we went up to the guy in the counter and got our shoe sizes and decided to just play 2 round since we were gonna hang out at the cliff. we got to the side we were gonna be and put our shoes on, I had to put socks on.

First it was gonna be Katherine, she got a pink neon bowling ball, she threw the ball and the ball hit the pins. Katherine cheered, boys vs girls, we got up and started cheering. Stefan was up next he got a blue neon ball and threw it, the ball got the pins, the guys got up and cheered making fun of us.

2 rounds later

The game had ended the girls lost and the guys ended up winning. we got out the bowling alley returning the shoes and putting our shoes on, we got in the cars and made our way home. It was Friday tomorrow meaning it was our last day in high school and we would be graduating.

We finally got home, we got out the car, Misha was spending the night with me, we went up to my room and locked the door. I have him a pair of Stefan's sweat pants, he doesn't sleep with a shirt. I got dressed in some shorts and tank top. we got under the covers and cuddled and fell asleep.


Rebekah POV


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I slam my hand on the alarm and cuddle deep in Misha's warm muscular arms, he shakes me and I groan cuddling him.

"Wake up you got school and today is the last day" Misha says, I groan and sit up, I stand up and walk in the shower

I turn the shower on and strip my clothes off, I get in the shower and let the water run down my body. I grab my strawberry scented shampoo and washed my hair and the conditioner next, I rinsed it off and grabbed my vanilla body wash, I scrubbed my body everywhere. I rinsed my body off and turned the shower off, I wrapped a towel around my body and got out the shower, I brushed my teeth and walk back to my room where Misha was laying down.

I put on my white lacy undergarments and rub vanilla lotion over my body, I put on a white tank top, ripped jeans, black&white converse, and black cardigan. I blow Dry my hair and straighten it, I put face concealer, mascara, eyeliner, and Vaseline lip therapy. I grab my phone and bag.

Misha had gotten out of bed and got dressed, he brushed his teeth with a spare tooth brush I had, we walked downstairs and met with everyone eating breakfast, George served us breakfast and we started eating.

"Tomorrow is graduation who's going?" Stefan asked

"My parents aren't" Jessica says along with the other guys

"Oh well will be standing up and clapping every time they call for one of you guys name" Katherine says

"I can't wait to see how you guys look" I say already imagining them standing up an creaming every time.

"Lets go before ms. Mash starts yelling at us on the last day of school" Bella says

"I gotta go to, take care of some business" Misha says

He gives me a kiss in the lip and says bye I everybody else and walks out the door. I stand up and grab a bite of my bacon. we walk out, Hunter and I were gonna be riding together, Bella and Ryder, Matt and Zander, Alaric with Jessica and Michael. Hunter and u got in my sleek black Ford Gt, I turned the ignition on and pull out the drive way, we made our way to school, we passed our old neighbor hood.

We finally got to school, I parked the car and left my bag inside the car, we walked towards the doors side by side everybody staring at us, we got in the school walked to first period.

The rest of the class was fun, we listened to music, talked, or skipped classes since it was the last day of school, we were on our way to the cafeteria, we got our lunch and the lunch ladies gave us cookies saying goodbye seniors. we sat down and started eating the cookies and the food.

" OMG I love this cookies" hunter says everybody nods and takes a bite out of their cookie

"I see someone changed their diet" Michelle says along with some random girl talking to Jessica

"I was never on a diet" Jessica says and turns back to us

"Fatass" Michelle says, I stand up and get in her face

"Okay Michelle you might wanna calm down with you don't want problems with us, Jessica is in our group now if you hurt her you won't see the next day and I mean it, she's one of us now so back off" I say, Michelle glares at me and walks off to the bad boys group, the bad boys pushes them off and stare at my group in awe. Aidan, Caiden, and Michael, Michael was part of our group but at school he was known as the bad boy

"Rebekah! What time is the meeting tomorrow!" Michael screams, he most want to go out with Aidan and Caiden

"3:00 am but you don't have to go if your gonna be busy!!" I scream back

"I'm going I live with you guys!" Michael screams back in a duh tone, I roll my eyes

Michael, Aidan, and Caiden stand up and walk towards our table. They sat down in the empty chairs.

"Rebekah this are Aidan and Caiden they looking for somewhere to live" Michael says, I knew it. I give them a smile

"You know we're gonna say yes as long as they join the group" I say

"Ooo yea, do you guys?" Michael says, he most have told them a login time ago

"Yea sure" Aidan and Caiden say, I shake their hands like their making a deal with the devil.


We get up and throw the trash away, we walk out the cafeteria and make or way to the field, we weren't changing since it was the last day of school. we sat at the bleachers and started talking. Wesley blows the whistle and I see Demetrius standing next to him, I though yesterday was the last day for him teaching.

"Today is the last day of school, enjoy your summer seniors and see you guys later in life or something like that" Wesley says "you guys can go home and get thugs ready for tomorrow's graduation"

Everybody runs out the school and towards the parking lot, Wesley was staying to pack some things since his not gonna be working here anymore, Stefan hired Wesley as one of his partners. Demetrius is going to be a boss of the Trevino company. Demetrius was in his office sitting down.

"Wesley you ready for the BBQ sundau after graduation" Alaric say

" I sure am and starting the new job with Stefan will be awesome and living in the same house along with you guys and a 2 babies on the way" Wesley's says

"2 babies?!?" we say Wesley wides his eyes and turns towards Bella

"Umm I'm pregnant" Bella says

"OMG!!" I say jumping up and down I give her and Wesley a big hug

"What's going on here?" Demetrius says walking out his empty office carrying a box

"Umm I'm having a baby" Wesley says

"Congrats" Demetrius says giving him a bro hug and a hug to Bella

"See you at the BBQ Sunday afternoon" Alaric says, Demetrius nods

We walk out the gym and walk through the halls and outside to the parking lot. we get in the cars just like we did. we make our way home. we get home and walk in the house, we decided to spend the rest home watching movies. Misha had things to take care off.

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