Ryu's ears flattened in alarm. "That-that was unexpected." Hana titled her head in question. "Where did the jutsu go?" The fellow members of Konoha jumped up, waving for attention. "That's what he does! He steals your-GAH!" The Akatsuki turned to the man, whether he spoke the name of the jutsu or not, I never heard, but several whips of fire coiled around the Konoha member. His teammate had frozen with fear, mouth open as he stared at the flames burning him.

"Wind style: Wind gale!" I preformed the hand signs and a moment later the wind gust blew out the flames. He collapsed, blood dripping from his burned wounds. I looked sharply to the frozen teammate. "You! Go, get him help." He snapped out of whatever thought had trapped him and rushed to get his friend help. The Akatsuki turned back to me, flinging out his hand and a crescent shape of sharp wind blew me way. 

I dodged, heading to the left along with Ryu as Hana raced to the right and tackled at the Akatsuki only to have him fling her back with what appeared to be a wind jutsu. Ryu propped an imaginary brow. "He can use two elements?" I nodded to him. "It appears so.. It's hard to accomplish, but possible." Hana raced back to us, luckily uninjured. The Akatsuki swung his arm, several winds coming this way and blocking around us, making dodging not an option.

"Wind style: Wind cutter!" After performing the handsigns, my jutsu countered his, causing it do no harm. "Run!" Came Ryu's voice, right after the wind jutsus came boulders of earth thrown at us. I moved with Hana, to the side. Ryu choose to go the opposite way of us, also dodging the attack, yet getting nipped slightly. "Three chakra natures!?" Hana breathed out, looking worried. "The Akatsuki have had immortals working with them, this shouldn't be too surprising." I murmured performing more handsigns and jumping to the Akatsuki, "Wind style: Hurricane fist!" Sharp wind gathered around my fist as I went to punch him, but he evaded too quickly, throwing back three giant balls of fire. 

Fear captivated me for the moment until Hana managed to get me out of the way. I patted her head, my eyes open wide. "Th-thanks, Hana.." She lifted her furry lips into a smile. "Not a problem, Akisha-sama." At the sound of a loud growl both of our heads turned to see Ryu latched onto the Akatsuki arm, biting down hard. Blood was dripping, yet his face still looked stern, not an ounce of pain to be seen. The Akatsuki member lifted his arm, but before any jutsu could be used, I sprung into action with Hana, throwing several senbon needles at him and continuing to send a kick towards his face. He ripped Ryu off of his arm, flinging the lion at me and causing us to collide, my kick never making it to the Akatsuki's face. "Oof!" "Ouu!" I moaned in the pain of the heavy lion weighing down on me. "Child, I am terribly sorry!" Ryu apologized hastily, getting off of me. "It's.. fine.." I wheezed out, then having to jump to the side, avoiding yet another blast of fire. I retaliated by doing another wind jutsu towards him, only to have it seemingly sucked in again like before.

"He doesn't like close up attacks. Absorbs jutsus. Doesn't seem to be bothered by pain." I spoke aloud to Hana and Ryu, marking up what was the known information. "So, how do we kill him?" Hana asked, trying to look determined despite her fearful eyes.

"Get him while he's absorbing a jutsu.." Ryu said lowly, almost a whisper. I went to respond when a mound of earth was flung towards me. I raced to the side, grabbing Hana with me. "Thank you!" "Not a proble-" I was cut short, a ball of fire hitting my side. "AH! SHIT!" I swore loudly, landing on my back.

"Akisha-sama!" Came Hana's worried cry, but after that the roars of Ryu drowned everything out. I got back up in a hurry, gripping my bleeding burnt side to see a boulder smashing Ryu to the side. "NO! WIND STYLE: WIND BLADE!" Jumping infront of Ryu, I preformed the jutsu and cut the boulder in half, the rest of the jutsu making it's way to the Akatsuki, and unsurprisingly being absorbed. Hana charged forth, digging her teeth into his shoulder blade, however she was knocked back. "I'm okay!" She yelled, letting me know it was okay to pay attention to Ryu, and looking down at him, I could see the blood dripping from splits and wounds covering his body.

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