1- Coffee Buddies

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You walked to Starbucks and ordered your usual and sat down at your usual booth. You opened your bag and got out your favorite book f/b. No one sat by you ever at the coffee shop so it was very strange how what looked like a man sat down across from you. You couldn't really tell cuz you were looking into your book and the person had a hoodie on. The person finally spoke up "So you're a fan of books i see" said the person across from you. You looked up to see a man. He had a soft British accent and deep brown eyes and slightly curly reddish brown hair.  "umm..yeah...yeah i am" You stuttered as you spoke because you were starstruck at how handsome he was.  You shook yourself out of your trance. "are you?" you asked him. "depends on the read." he replied. "oh." "i'm...i'm Tom b-by the way. Tom Holland" "i'm y/n y/l/n" "that is a gorgeous name." " thanks" you replied. " umm i have to go. nice meeting you Tom." "you too"  As you got up you slid a small piece of paper towards him and he picked it up and unfolded it to see your name, number, and Instagram username. you were about to walk out the door you looked at him to see that he was staring at you. You raised an eyebrow and winked at him as you put your sunglasses on and walked out. 

The next morning you didn't go to Starbs cuz your body decided to sleep in......until 2..pm. You looked over at your bedside table and picked up your phone and saw you had a text from someone. You didn't know who cuz it was just a number, but then figured out it was Tom cuz you just gave him your number yesterday and you could feel his lurpyness through his text.  

You replied saying hey and a winky face emoji. He asked why you didn't go to Starbucks this morning. You told him because you decided to sleep in until 2 minutes ago. He asked if you wanted to hang out. You said yes and told him you'd meet him for coffee in 10 minutes. 

When you got to Starbucks you saw him sitting at your booth. You got your usual and walked over to him and sat down and he smiled. you smiled back. "how'd you sleep?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck looking down at the table.  "Just fine....for once" You muttered the last part. "what do you mean for once" he asked. "well I have insomnia so i don't really have a sleeping schedule, sometimes ill sleep for little chunks of time and wake up over and over. Or ill sleep for a while then wake up and stay up...things like that...so" you smacked your lips together and raised your eyebrows causing your eyes to widen. "that sucks" he replied taking a sip of his latte. "well at least i get some sleep...sometimes" you got up and threw your cup away and returned to the booth. Tom looked really nervous. he was sweating intensely on his forehead and he was fidgeting with his fingers and every time you'd make eye contact he'd look away or down at the table.  "Are you okay Tom? you look nervous. What's bothering you?" you placed your hand on his two. He jerked his head up and stared at you with wide eyes, but then softened his gaze. "umm.....I...Uh...do you... uh Doyouwannagoonadate?" he stuttered then asked his question super fast. "wait what?" you asked. "do you want to go on a date...on Friday? at 7?""Oh my gosh! Really?" "yeeeeah" "ok. yes,yes totally." You got up and he did too and you hugged each other and kissed his cheek. "bye tom" you said as you ran out the door. 

An- f/b is favorite book

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now