They nod and we turn on the CD player. "Shout!! Yeah!!" we all mimic and do our signature dance for it. It goes well. But Shori still looks sick during it all. Why is he freaking out so much?

Shori's POV

I stand in the shower leaning against the wall looking down. Why am I so worried about this Birthday Party performance? Oh yeah, maybe because I don't want Aya to think that I'm dating a fan behind her back! She wouldn't understand.

The water runs down the walls, drenching my arm, but I ignore it. I don't feel good. I step out of the stall and dry off my body. I change into my shorts and T-shirt and walk to my room. "I'm done with the shower!" I yell before sliding my door shut.

I shut off my walkie talkie completely and throw it into my dresser drawer. I then lock the doors and play mellow music. All I want to do is sleep my stress away. You can do that, right? I know that the best thing to do is talk to Aya about all of it, but I don't want to just quite yet.

I turn off all the lights and close my eyes. But I can't sleep. I sit up and grab my phone and flip to a new NOTES page. On the top I type,


The words after that flow like tears across the note pad.

I am an idol living in a castle with my master,

Yet all my smiles are forced to plaster,

I have a very beautiful girl friend,

But I can't tell her what's happening or our relationship might end,

I am stuck, like I'm in a deep ditch,

But maybe I can find some sort of hitch,

But until then I am stuck as a color hue,

So What in the World do I do?

After that, I toss my phone on the floor and feel much better. I can easily fall asleep. And I do. I dream very deeply and I feel relaxed.....

Aya's POV

Everyday, so far for the past day, Shori's been leaving saying he has to do important stuff. But I don't know what he's doing! Its frustrating.

I stomp into Mizuki's room and complain to her. "Mizuki! I feel like Shori's hiding something from me! What do I do?" I ask. Mizuki sits on her bed.

"Well, what has he been doing?"

"Well, when we're hanging out, he'll all of a sudden have to go and he won't tell me why. And he'll be in a hurry." I tell her.

"Ahh, well, Aya-chan? I think that Shori's IS hiding something from you. He probably just doesn't feel comfortable telling you." Mizuki says.

"Ahh! WHY?!" I yell angrily. "Why did I allow myself to get in a situation like this?!"

Mizuki pats my shoulder. "Aya, it's not your fault. Shori will tell you when he's ready to. Until then, you need to respect that." She says.

I think for a moment. Maybe I am judging Shori too hard. He only started acting like the way he is for one day. "Okay, Mizu. Thanks."

I walk out of her room and go up to the roof. That's where Shori confessed to me that he liked me. Ever since then, that spot has been my go-to spot for tough moments.

I opened the steel door and felt a cool breeze on my face. It feels really good. I stand on the edge and look past the railing and at the tall mansions and buildings. It makes me miss my Okasan and Otouto, Kenta.

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