Out the Ice Cream Shop and More Conversations

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Dear Dylan: Out the Ice Cream Shop and More Conversations

"Just tell me why."

"Nicole's on her way here."

"Oh, what the chocolate fudge, let's go."

"So how did she decide to come to the ice cream shop where we were?"

"I don't know, maybe it's just a coincidence. I didn't tell her anything."

"Hmm, well, m'kay."

"I like your handwriting."

"Haha, thanks."

"Did Nicole ever read one of my letters?"

"Mhm, yeah. And she ripped it and flushed it down the toilet."

"Harsh much."

"As harsh as it sounds."

"Where do you keep my letters, Dy?"

"In my night stand, why?"

"Hmm, nothing."

"So, are we still, uhm, you know.."


"Best friends?"


"Best friends."

"Oh, yeah, of course, Dy!"

"Ohh, okay."

Text Message (From: The Boss)

Dinner's ready. Come home or else, you don't get dessert.

"Look, my mom texted, I need to go home."

"Oh okay, that's fine."

"I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah sure."

"Oh, and Mar?"


"We should do this again."

Text Message (From: Dylan)

Tomorrow, after school, meet me at the vending machine. Let's go to the carnival. :)

Text Message (To: Dylan)

Sure, see you. :)

Text Message (From: Dylan)

Woah there. You put a smiley face. :P :)

Text Message (To: Dylan)

Yes, yes I did. :)

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