"No problehmo, Amigo," Sophia says,taking a step forward so that she may be in alignment with the rest of the group."Now let'z get ztarted,zhall we?"

The eldest cleared his throat before speaking,"As you can clearly see,most of the village has fallen into unknown illness. The only way to cure them is if we get water from the Moon River using the Star Cup. The star cup is made of the strongest materials that made up the stars and is the only cup that can withstand the intensity of the water of the Moon River."

He paused to catch his breath before resuming his explanation,"When you are near the Moon River,your worst memories are relieved in your brain like a replaying scene over and over again."

"Is there any way to avoid this?" One of the teenagers,male, asked curiously,looking at the elders with the eyes of a curious and questioning person."I'm pretty sure none of us wants our worst memories back."

"The White Goddess might be able to help like said in the prophecy," The elder cleared his throat again and was about to speak."Okay so i-"

"Hold up," The same male teen shook his head ,making the elderly one pause in his speech."What prophecy?"

"I was just getting to that," The elder said in a monotone way."The prophecy goes like this...ehem....

"Five shall go west
Where the goddess so white is

"Wait what?" The male asked,confused and cringing at that part."Where the goddess so white is? Isn't that kind of racist?"

"What? No! Of course not," The elder snapped."This is not racist!"

"Sounds kinda racist to me," The male said in a matter-of-fact tone while spreading his arms,not too wide...kinda like begging(Imagine the way you beg...yeah like that)."That's just mean!"

"Ugh," The elder groaned and face palmed."Let's just continue shall we?"

The teens nodded and listened.

Bound in rest
She must be free
For she knows a lead
Find the cup of blinding heat
On top of the sorcerer's old seat
Then go towards south,
Where the shimmering river is
Be careful,sorrow might come and block your way
And you may die and fail to save the day or
You may succeed and have it your way"

"Wow. What a prophezcy," Sophia low-key whistled before scrunching her nose."I zhink...I don't really like zhe die part. Can we um...czhange it to zomething lezz zcary? I'm not really ready for my deazh yet."
Her teammates agreed with her,nodding her head and muttering things about not wanting to die yet and continue living.

The elder shook his head,"Once the prophecy has started,It can no longer be changed back. So,I want you five to pick a weapon of your choice from the weapon rack in the blacksmith's house this instant. Now,Leave."

The five walk out of the doors and on the way to the blacksmith's home, they got to learn more about each other.

"Zo I'm Zophia Prewett," She introduced,smiling at the three new comers."And you are?"

"I am William Wamilda," The fair skinned boy introduced."Are you by any chance French?"

"Yez I am," Sophia smiled at the boy and he,in return,smiled back."Vhy do you ask?"

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