C H A P T E R: 1

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"Sophia!" The captain called for his daughter over for breakfast."Breakfast is ready!" 

 "Yez Fazher," She replied with her French accent. She carefully went down the stairs with her night clothes on, consisting of ripped jeans and a  baggy t-shirt. 

 "Now what did I say about the way you dressed?" Her father eyed what she was wearing and gave a disapproving look."You are my daughter and-"

"I 'ave to act and drezz like one. Whatever," Sophia rolled her eyes,pulling the chair back and sitting on it."I already know."

The captain chuckled and ruffled her hair,"By the way Sophia,I want you to be chosen."

"Chozen for zvwhat?" She asked,stuffing her mouth with food right after.

"To go on a quest with four other people," Arthur casually said,hoping his daughter won't freak out at all. 

"Zwhat?!" Sophia angrily slammed her hands on the table and complained."But,I'm bad wizth interzacting!"

"Sophia," Arthur calmly said,trying to ease her by putting his hand on top of hers and pleaded."I know that but we really need you to go. Please."

Sophia looked at her father and softened,"Fine. But only becauze you zacrificed a lot for me and I love you."

"Thank You," Arthur pulled his daughter closer and kissed her temple."Your the best."

"I know," She playfully said while rolling her eyes."'Ey!" She loudly said as her father smacked her in the head with a rolled-up newspaper.

"Your supposed to say,'Thanks Dad' but nooo," The father chuckled and rolled his eyes as
well."Time for you to go anyway."

Sophia laughed and waved goodbye before heading towards the meeting room of the elders. On the way there,she thought of many different things.

'Who will be my teammates?' She wondered,kicking pebbles with her feet.'Will they good? Bad? Will I know them or not?'

She was broken out of her train of thoughts when she bumped into the doors of the place and let out a squeak of surprise.

"It'z now or never," She encouraged herself,opening the doors and going inside.

Immediately,all eyes were on her and she stood frozen.

"I... quit," She turned around and was about to open the doors again when the elder stopped her from doing so.

"I suppose you were sent by Arthur as his chosen one," He said loudly,his echo heard as everyone was silent.

"Y-yez," She squeaked out,slowly turning herself around."Arzhur iz my fazher."

"Scusami, Sophie?" A girl's voice asked precautiously from the four people lined up infront of the elders.
"Is that you?"

"Jezzie?" Sophie ran to her bestfriend and hugged her."Jezzie!"

Jessie let go of the hug and gripped Sophie on each side of her arms,"Your...ah...part too?"

"That'z why I'm 'ere," Sophia smiled."Now ztop gripping my armz tightly. They 'urt."

Jessie released her grip before smiling shyly,"Oops scusa."(sorry)

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