Dates n' Stuff; [2]

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Before You Read; Fem!OC

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Before You Read; Fem!OC

"How is it that our date night turned into me watching you clean your car?"

Without taking his eyes off his pride and joy, he said, "I'm sorry, baby. She was dirty. I can't just leave her like that." I playfully rolled my eyes at him. He's lucky I love him.

The infamous scarlet red 1968 Ford Mustang. It's beautiful; from the scratch-free gloss finishing coat to the polished original Mustang wheels. Tony took great pride in his car. He worked his ass off for it, so I knew how much it meant to him. If Tony could spend the rest of his life working on his car and potentially more cars, he'd do it.

I mean, I know he isn't looking into college. He claims that "he doesn't need to waste another 4 years because he has skills." Well, he isn't lying... he does have skills when it comes to mechanics.

Although he has skills with hands on things, he doesn't have the best skills in things like priorities and time management.

Let me give some examples:
1. Last month, Tony forgot that he had a test to do after his gym class. He ran to his car to see if a bird messed up the chrome trimming he had polished. Let's just say his grade went from the B+ I helped him get to a C.

2. Last week, he "lost track of time" and didn't show up to our date night at the hill that overlooks the town. I waited there until sunset, got a ride to his place only to find him under the hood of his car. His excuse? "Shit, baby time flew by so fast. I just wanted to make her a little louder. I didn't forget this time though! I promise, this is the last time.

Then there was today.

Don't get me wrong, I love that he takes care of his prized possession, but I'm not okay with being pushed to the side. I hate sounding clingy and dramatic, but the car is stealing my boyfriend away from me and from his own family. Tony even forgot to pick up his cousin from school one day because he decided he wanted to deep clean the exhaust pipe.

"Hey babe?"

"What's up, darlin'?" Still not looking up at me.

"We aren't going on our date tonight, right?"

Those hazel eyes looked up and were accompanied by a chuckle.
"What do you mean? We agreed on going to the Crestmont at 7:00 since the movie starts at 7:45."

"Take a look at the time, Tony."

He raises his eyebrows, mumbles a "yes ma'am", wipes his hand on his clean blue rag, and pulls out his phone.
"Baby, it's only 8:52. We'll be fine."

He looks back at me, but quickly takes a second look at his phone.
"It's 8:52?! Why didn't you tell me anything?"

I got up from the table in the garage and walked towards him with a frown on my face.

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