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Kaylen's Pov

I sat quietly in History class watching Mr. Horan's every move. I bit my lip at the sight of him running his hand through his blonde hair.

"Kaylen, do you know the answer to this quest-" The bell rang, interrupting Mr. Horan. "Thank you for your patience today. I am very proud of how far we made it today. I will see you all tomorrow, as for Kaylen, I will see you after school" He continued

I frowned at the thought of having to stay after school. Then I realized that I would be alone with him.. For two hours. I got up out of my seat and walked out of the classroom down to locker 383.

"Did you see Mr Horan? He was staring at Kaylen today.. What is so good about redheads!?" some blonde yelled. I rolled my eyes and walked into the gym, to see Mr. Horan standing by the door.

"What are you doing in here!?" I yelled. I was secretly jumping out of my skin, but I kept my cool.

"The gym teacher had her baby last week. I'm covering until she comes back." He smirked. This is going to be torture for a while....


I wanna thank everyone who reads my stories! I know it isn't great yet, but I will get there I promise. There will be more in Chapter 5!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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