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Sorry its been a while guys! I have been suuperr busy!


Niall's Pov

I waited until everyone got quiet, so I could talk without having to yell. I looked to my left to see Kaylen sitting beside a girl who had red hair and brown eyes.

"Okay class, my name is Mr. Horan, I will be your history teacher for your senior year. The quieter you are, the more fun this will be and the faster we will get done. Questions?" I said loudly. A girl with blonde hair raised her hand.

"Are you dating anybody? I don't see a ring on that finger of yours!" Her face was red by time she stopped talking.

"Sorry, actually I am dating somebody. Shes amazing. Long dark hair, blue eyes." I lied through my teeth. I'm not much of a ladies man. I looked over at Kaylen and saw her staring at me with her sparkling eyes.

"Mrs. Taylor, do you mind? I am getting the impression that you are oogling over me. Please, stop staring at me." I tried holding my smile back..

"Excuse me? I wouldn't dare oogle over you! You're too old." She snapped back in a sassy tone.

"Stop with the attitude or I will have to give you after school detention on your first day here." I barked at her, my Irish accent coming out thicker than ever. "Now stop oogling over me, right now!"

"Stop accusing me of oogling over you, then I will stop. Not until then. I am most certainly not staring" She held back a smile and at me.

"Thats one day of detention Kaylen Taylor. Meet me in here after school. You can sign your slip then." The class laughed and Kaylen winked at me, and I gave her a little smirk and then turned around.

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