Dad coming home!

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"Spence i bet my dad isn't feeling good you heard how he sound.he sounded like if some stab him in the back or something".

"Amanda at least he is coming with us and i wish my mom regrets leaving our dad".

"hopefully Spence".

my phone rang i answered 


"hey girl was up you sound like your heart broken".Esa said

"hi Esa and yes my heart is broken all because of my........."i said

"huh Amanda que estas de sendo"?(what are you saying)

"Esa i cant tell you i don't want it to make it seem that bad which it is"

"alright girl leave you cause i'm gonna go with my babe see you at school if you actually go".she said

i hang up right when she said bye.i jump on my bed and stared up.I was wondering if people mom or dad ever cheated on each other.I didn't know what to do when i heard my mom and him together.But i did do something i  got angry lol like who wonted.

"PSSSS AMANDA".the voice came out of my window 

I went to go checked.It was Alex.

"Alex what are you doing this is the second time you do that lol".I said

"Come down".he responded

"Let me get a sweater ".

After i went to get my sweater i came down.Alex grab me 

"why aren't you happy like always".Alex said

"i'm happy i'm just thinking".i responded

"what are you thinking of cause for sure your not thinking of me".

"Alex i'm always thinking about you".

"who wonted".he said'

he gave me hug.we stared each other for along time it was getting awkward 

"Whats wrong Amanda please tell me".he said 

he is gonna make me cry.

"nothing i'm fine".

"Amanda your not fine".

tears came running down my face.

"Amanda whats going on tell me i know something is wrong with you cause your tearing up".

he gave me another hug he wonted let go.I see he really does care about me.

"Alex i'm gonna go inside".

"Alright".he responded 

He gave me another hug and left

"WAIT ALEX".i shouted 

i went up to him and kissed him.

"BYE love you".i said

"i love you more".

I just smiled.he got on his car and left.I climbed my window.

"Ohhh hi Spencer".

"Amanda i heard everything".he said

"Spence get out okay".

"lol he hit me with a pillow and left running".

the house phone rang i went to go get it 

"Hello dad is that you"?

"No its me Amanda your mother".

"What you want i wasn't expecting a phone call from you".

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