(FNAF) Out of the Pot, Into the Fire

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A brief summary of events; The mysterious appearance of a long-lost owl robot got Desirée curious about the outside, and she went out to investigate - against her father's will. What met her was none too shocking, but none too pleasant...

TW; horror, gore (?), implied violence

"Stay out here until I come back for you. And don't cause any trouble, or you'll regret it."

Des felt herself be pushed and blindly slammed into a few robots, earning sympathetic murmurs as Winnie stalked away, back to her "pecan"'s room, to deliver the upsetting news.
Desirée gasped a little, trying to bear with the pain rocketing through her system from the giant machine. She felt parts falling out of her gut, her wings refused to flap, and her jaw felt loose; behind her eyes were constant flashing red messages.


But worst of all had to be her eyes. She kept turning them on and off, trying to see, but she was only met with the same message.


She felt herself begin to hyperventilate and get dizzy, swaying a little until someone supported her on one side.

"There there. Sssssslow breathsssss."

She took the advice, leaning into the pressure.

"Thissss way."

And she followed the voice and body next to her; the plastic was smooth, but had a slimy texture. She didn't want to know what it was.

"Kelly, Flora. Help me sssssupport this one."

"A freshly scooped?"


"Oh, poor sweetheart. What's your name?"

Des felt a little overloaded again, swaying just slightly and relying on the newcomer to keep her up.

"Desirèe," She croaked. "From the northwest Fazbear's... The one just slightly out of town."

There was a baffled silence from the bots around her.

"Well, how'd you manage to get here?"

"Careless investigation."

"Oh, dear... And it got you really bad, too... What's broken? Can you tell me?"

Desirée slowly sat down, breathing slowly to get her system straightened.

"Uhh... Nerve damage, missing critical parts, coolant and oil leakage... My eyes are broken..."

"Oh, she's going straight in the trash..."

The voice was small and squeaky, sounding terrified and sad. The original voice sighed a little.

"I'm afraid it'sssss true. Desirée, you're going to be tosssssed away. He usssses our eyessss to ssssspy on otherssss."

She felt like passing out again.

"Oh, she's going! Sweetie, hold on - please! Stay awake! You're going to be tossed so we need you to do us a favour."

A favour?

She wasn't aware she'd said it out loud, but she must've, considering the reply of the second voice.

"Yes! You're big enough to fit our Flora into. It'll be uncomfortable, but she could keep you alive! If he's throwing you out, you two can escape!"

"Kelly, no! I don't wanna leave you!"

"Flora, you won't last here if you get scooped! You're too delicate and you won't be able to run or hide forever without technicians! Just... Please, go with her."

Des wasn't sure she consented to any of this, but next thing she knew, another animatronic was inside her almost-empty, now numb body, curled up and holding the crucial parts in place.

"Dragon! Come now! He'll be seeing you!"

"Stay safe," Kelly whispered. Des grunted, clicking softly to make her way through a parted crowd to her next demise.

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