"Sorry." Was all I said.

"Yeah, well it's going to take a lot more than sorry to make up for this." She said. " you can start by giving me a ride to school for the rest of the year to make up for it."

" ok" I said nodding my head without any argument.

(Allie's POV)

I can't wait to be a senior this year, I thought to myself while walking across the road and smiling, it's gonna be fun!


(Hey my name's Allie I'm 18 years. I'm currently attending my last year of high school at Baywood High. I'm what you call the "Queen Bee" there. I'm a beautiful tall blonde with Heterochromia eyes, one sea blue and one brown with a mix of green in it. I'm the head cheer captain. I can get anyone to do what I want. So enough about me where was I oh yeah. )


I jumped nearly peeing myself and looked over and only a couple feet away from me was a car, a nice one though, that came to a screeching halt. I stood there with my mouth and eyes wide open, thinking, oh my gosh I nearly got killed.

I was shooken up and mad, I just wanted to beat whoever almost hit me, but I couldn't tell who was driving because the windows were tinted. I still just stood there, for what seemed like forever, until the person came out of the car.

I realized that person was a girl, a really hot one I mean oh my gosh it looked like she could be a model! I think she was around my age, but that's besides the point she almost hit me and I'm going to give her a piece of my mind.

I was fixing to say something, but I noticed she was talking. I could barely hear her, but I think she asked me if I was ok, gosh she has the sweetest and kindest voice it was like an angel, wait what am I thinking Im suppose to be mad at her.

So I started yelling at her for almost hitting me and everything and all she did was look down and finally she said sorry in her cute quiet little voice.

I told her she was gonna do a lot more than that so I made her give me a ride to school and for the rest of the year. All she did was nod her head and said ok.

Hmm.... She's really easy to push around, I thought.

We were on our way to school and after five minutes of quietness she finally said in her quiet voice, "my name's Spencer."

I looked over at her smiling," I'm Allie."

She blushed lightly, "nice to meet you."

"But I'm still bad at you." I said jokingly, sounding like I was angry, but she kinda flinched a little.

I looked at her rolling my eyes, "don't worry I'm joking." Gosh she can't take a joke, but she's still hot, I thought. Wait no she's not I am and I'm straight, but it's fine if I think about that towards a girl.....right.?

She half smiled,"ok."

I was staring out the window for a while and realized we weren't even close to school. I'm also pretty sure we've been going around circles, because we've passed this same tree like five times.

"Ummm do you know where we're going?" I asked.

She blushed, " I forgot to mention I don't know where the schools at since I'm new."

In a frustrating tone I asked," why didn't you just use google maps or something?"

" I was, but dropped it on the ground below me and I almost hit you in the process of getting it."

"Why didn't you say anything in the first place?" I asked still a little frustrated.

"I was too scared to."

I was rubbing my temples to calm down, "And let me guess the phones still on the ground?"

She nodded her head yes.

Sighing, I mentally thought to myself, I'm gonna have gray and white hair by the time we get to school.

"Fine I'll tell you where to go." I said annoyed.

She nodded her head ok. Sighing, I thought to myself, today's gonna be a long day already.


Hey my names Kathy I'm kinda new at this but I have written a story but never finished it because I didn't like it so I restarted it. So I hope you like this one and comment and tell me what you think about it so far. I will be trying to update as quick as I can.

If you don't like this story then don't read it.

Peace out....

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