Chapter 8: Its Over

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Fletcher's P.O.V

It was August and summer was over in about a month and It was killing me that me and olive weren't going to the same school with the new system that they are having means we might break up she was coming over today, and It was to hard to say goodbye and she wasn't only moving schools but she was moving houses its gonna be so hard... *Knock Knock*

Olive's P.O.V

I knocked on the door I had tears in my eyes I needed fletcher's help, moving was stressful enough but also leaving someone you love sucked the door opened I pushed myself into him wrapping my arms around him letting him not see my tears, I REALLY DIDN'T want to let him see me crying it was to hard for me and him I never thought that the summer would ever be over the stress was killing me and I couldn't help it I started bawling it really sucked he looked at me

"Olive? Are you okay??" He asked me I couldn't respond my tears felt like they were drowning me I made out a Yes and he whispered that it will be all right but I wasn't sure. 


Olive's P.O.V

It was moving day, I packed my stuff in bags and asked my mom if we could stop at all my friends house before we left, so we did I walked up to Chyna's house were fletcher was already there I started getting teary and hugged both of them I said my last goodbyes they gave me going away presents I walked out the door climbed in the car, I opened chyna's first a necklace, It opened , I took it and it opened it was the last few years we spent together in pictures Next was fletchers, I opened it and it was us, just us in a picture with a note that read: I love you more than words Olive, I really do I started crying as I looked out the window I saw them waving so I waved back this really was the best summer yet. 

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