Excerpt: Fall For Me

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From the #SummerFeels: A Romanceclass Anthology


Sixteen-year-old Yasmin San Carlos grew up basking in the admiration and respect of everyone around her. Except for Karlos Iñigo Vicente, who seems to be unaffected by her pleasing personality. Finding this an aberration to the natural order of her world and a telltale sign of failing her mother, Yas is determined to befriend Igo in hopes of making him fall for her.

But the plan is easier said than done.


Chapter 1

Yasmin San Carlos knew how to maximize her strength and get what she wanted.

Experience taught her that having a pretty face coupled with impeccable lady-like manners achieved just that—boys tripping over their feet to ask her out, girls wanting to be her best friend so they could get the same privileges she enjoyed.

She was so used to having people do her bidding.

Except when she met Karlos Iñigo Vicente.

Who, instead of giving her his piece of her favorite Spanish bread, tried selling it to her. What was unforgivable was when he indirectly told her that achieving her dream was close to impossible. Both instances occurred in third grade. And it didn't stop there. Through the years, Igo had a way of irritating her every now and then. He'd just recently told her to stop believing in stupid fairy tales.

She was convinced he had something against her. But what exactly?

"He's got a point, you know. I mean, fairy tales at this age?" Her cousin and best friend Bea grinned at her while they were out in the pool, a quick relief to the terrible heat of the summer season. They were spending the night at a resort and spa in Rizal with their mothers to check if it would be a good place to hold Yasmin's birthday party, which was happening in a month's time. But she knew better. It was an excuse for her mother to invite her friends over and socialize. Which was fine with her, really. She'd be okay as long as Bea was there to join her.

"I don't believe in fairy tales anymore, Bea. I'm not a kid," she pointed out, splashing water at her cousin. "I just said I wanted to marry Prince Harry, and he went off saying it's silly."

Bea burst out laughing and got another splash of water directly aimed at her face. "You'll hate me for this, but I'm taking his side."

"Unbelievable. You're supposed to take my side. You're my best friend!" Yasmin reminded her, and Bea, touched by this, immediately gave her a fierce hug. It wasn't the first time they'd talked about her neighbor and classmate. He would just randomly come up in their conversations whenever there was something she could relate to him. A scratch she always itched.

"Then just ignore him and everything he says. He's just one guy, Yas."

Exactly. He was that one guy who seemed to be immune to her charms. A bane to her existence. And it pissed her off to no end.

"Easy for you to say," Yasmin muttered as she sliced through the water to reach the edge of the infinity pool to better see the twinkling lights below that was Manila. She had a spot just like this at home—an indention against the window where she sat to study, daydream, or observe their neighbors. But instead of the skyline, it overlooked the houses on their block, including a bakery and cafe shop where her favorite Spanish bread was sold.

Bea swam up next to her just as a gust of wind blew. In spite of the humidity, the water was still cold, and as Antipolo was on higher grounds, the breeze was cooler here. They both shivered and submerged their bodies into the water. "Haven't you heard of the saying 'You can't please everybody'? This guy is part of the population who's simply not mesmerized by you, and you have to accept that. You're bound to meet people like him sooner or later."

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