Tapp it!!

4 0 0

Tapp the knee, Tapp the knee

Tapp it, Tapp it, Tapp it, Tapp it,

Get the fly, Get the fly

Get it, Get it,Get it, Get it,

Dropp that bass, Dropp that bass

Dropp that, Dropp that, Dropp that , Dropp that

Stack the shelves, Stack the shelves

Stack em, Stack em, Stack em, Stack em

Sweep the floor, sweep the floor

Sweep it, Sweep it,Sweep it,Sweep it,

Punch the air, Punch the air

Punch it, Punch it, Punch it, Punch it

Tie the shoelace, Tie the shoelace

Tie it, Tie it, Tie it, Tie it

Tapp it!!    (the "safe" album)Where stories live. Discover now