The Letter

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The Letter

One last candle. That's all the light I have left to write one last letter. I wish I could find my way out of here! I fell melancholy in this prison. I'm surrounded by concrete walls. The only source of comfort is my torn mattress and my thin blanket that the man gave me. He holds me hostage. I've been here for 2 months but, it feels like years! If only I could go back. Back to the time I was abducted. I could have changed my fate. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was sitting at home. I was lachrymose because, I just broke up with my boyfriend. I just broke up with my boyfriend. I sat on my bed in tears hopping he would return to mend my broken heart. Suddenly the door bell rang. I ran down the stair case in the empty house and ran straight into the door. Without even thinking to look out the window to see who it was I unlocked the door and jerked it wide opened. My face gradually went from a smile to a face of terror. The person I was expecting was a boy my hight with a heavy heart and a apology. I was wrong. This man was about six feet tall, covered in black from head to toe literally. Quickly thinking (because I did such a great job at that) I ran out of the house and down the street.

I felt as if my heart was in orbit because how fast I was running. I heard footsteps. I will never forget if. They sounded so atomic but, he was right behind me.

I finally made it to the schools gym. Suddenly I smelled something burning. I knew right then he ignited the gym. I ran once again but, this time right into the forest behind the school. I ran until I spotted a big rotted stump. I thought to myself, what does this man want from me?

He's like a vermin! I -I can't get rid of him!

Everything was silent. I fell into a deep sleep. While sleeping I came into. Contact with a family lineage. She told me I had to wake up but I couldn't because it was too calm. Why did I have to be diagnosed with Narcolepsy? This sucks!

When I awoke I was in a dark room. Two months later I'm still here!


He- He's in the room! He's taking off his mask! I know him!


That's all the police found at the crime scene.

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