Eventually, I got through the lesson with all my work completed with 5 minuets to spare. The teacher will let us go if we're done so I started packing my things into my bag.

I have a really strong feeling like adrenaline running through my body as if something great is going to happen. Or something really bad. Wandering through the halls, I noticed George and James laughing together at the corner or the corridor.

"Hey, what's up"

"Oh hey, nothing just Simpson got his jeans a bit dirty"

I looked around the corner and saw him trying to get himself up from the floor, watery mud covered his jeans. My jeans. He looked up at me with hope and I saw his lip slightly curve to make a smile. I couldn't help him.

"Oh well, he can get himself up"

I already hated myself for saying that, so to avoid having to watch any longer I lead George to our next class.

"So what happened?"

"It was awesome dude, the guy didn't even put up a fight he just stood there. we just threw a cup of slightly wet dirt over him"

"Slightly? you used a whole water bottle!"

"I know but the end result was amazing. So funny"

"Yeah, I'm laughing so hard"

"What is wrong with you today?"

"I'm not feeling too good"

"You're sick? I'll be sure not to sit next to you then"


I really couldn't care for our friendship anymore. At first it was fun. Now it's all about him. He knew me and Brad never got along with each other and he just stood out of the way, but now he's always there, always taking things a step further and if I'm being honest, I don't even think this is about sticking up for me anymore- not that I needed it- I think it's about him causing all the trouble to bring all the attention. He knows Brad is my worst person in the world, he's small, he's fragile so of course he makes everything about Brad. Now that sounds like he's got a crush!

Entering the classroom I found loads of empty seats, so I took mine in the back corner next to the window. A few minutes passed and the rest of the students came in. But no sign of Brad.

There was still a sick feeling inside me but I had no idea what I was feeling. Anger? But to who. Worried? For what?


It was 15 minutes into the lesson and Brad still never showed so I asked to go to the toilet because it's highly likely he will be there cleaning my trousers.

I walked past the spot George threw dirt over him and the cleaner was there mopping the floor. Fucking arseholes them boys.

I got into the toilets and sure enough there he was desperately rubbing wet wipes over the stained areas. He looked at me and smiled.

"It's not what it looks like"

"I know"

I actually liked that joke and laughed a little.

"First time I've made you laugh"

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