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The library's quietness makes Callisto's heart pound even faster as she looked around for a sign of the blonde, curly haired girl who had agreed to meet her there.

"Sorry! I'm so late, Merlin's beard!" Lavender Brown practically slammed herself down on the seat in front of Callisto, her voice so loud that she earned herself a hissing 'sh' from Madame Pince, ''I was just...Nevermind, it's not important!''

''I-It's quite alright, Lavender,'' Callisto smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and taking a deep breath through her nose, looking around her before meeting Lavender's gaze, both of them not saying a word for a couple of moments, ''Right! Let's start with Potions, yeah?''

Callisto's outburst made Lavender snap out of her trance and shake her head, reaching for her Potions textbook.

''Yes,'' Lavender nodded, clearing her throat and plastering a smile on her face.

As both girls opened their books to the correct page, they wondered if the other could hear the incessant thump thump of their heart, convincing themselves that it was possible to hear it before trying to slow it down with deep breaths.

''Strengthening Solution. Ingredients?'' Callisto read aloud, looking up at Lavender with a questioning look, motioning for her to answer the question.

''Salamander blood. Powdered Griffin claw,'' Lavender listed off confidently, ''It is brewed in two stages, requiring several days to mature. It is used to increase the users strength.''

''...Perfect,'' Callisto breathed, looking down at her book and then back at Lavender, ''You don't really need help with Potions, do you?''

''A little...'' Lavender whispered, feeling her cheeks flood with warmth, ''There's just some...things I can't quite get right.''

Callisto furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head slightly to the left, surveying Lavender's face as the latter tried to desperately hide her blush behind a curtain of hair.

''Tell you what? How about we move on to something else?'' Callisto offered, closing her Potions book, ''Something where we don't have to go all the way down to the dungeons?''

''That sounds great,'' Lavender nodded excitedly.

''How about...'' Callisto trailed off, digging through her bag to find the textbook she was looking for, ''Herbology?''

''Yes!'' Lavender almost screamed, earning another loud 'sh' and a glare from Madame Pince.

As the rest of the evening passed by, Callisto spent her time patiently explaining every detail of all the lessons they had gone through in preparation for their O.W.L.s as best as she could, including the little tricks that Professor Sprout, who was also Callisto's Head of House, had taught the Hufflepuffs during free periods at the common room.

All the while, Lavender tried her best to keep her fingers from accidentally brushing over Callisto's, reminding herself that she was only here because she wanted Callisto as a friend and nothing more. She wanted to be able to come to her when she had no one else to turn to; she wanted to be able to tell Callisto everything about her life; she wanted to be able to goof around with her and gorge herself on Cauldron Cakes and Chocolate Frogs with her.

She definitely did not want the butterflies that fluttered around in her stomach wildly every time Callisto looked up at her to check she was understanding what she was saying, no matter how pleasant the feeling. She did not want her cheeks flaring up every time the Aerglo girl said her name in her soft, sweet voice. She did not want the way she stayed up at night, tossing and turning in her bed, her mind entertaining the idea of how Callisto's hand would feel pressed to hers. She did not want the way she felt breathless every time she saw her.

Ripping herself away from her train of thought, Lavender Brown plastered a smile on her face and nodded, reminding herself that the angel in front of her was only a friend.

Yes, just a friend.

[AYE HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! even if you're still in the closet, it's okay. being in the closet does not make you less of a member of the community. you are still valid and we cannot wait for the day you are able to join us !!!! ]

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