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Callisto Aerglo was never a girl of many words. She preferred to observe the world quietly and put in her two cents when she felt like she would burst at the seams with ideas.

For this exact reason, Callisto Aerglo was more than surprised when chirpy, happy-go-lucky Gryffindor Lavender Brown bounded up to her the morning after they had returned from Christmas break, a big smile on her face and toast in her hand.

"Your name's Callisto, right?" The blonde asked, her voice matching the vibrant tone of her headband.

Callisto knitted her brows, a million thoughts racing through her mind.

"Y-yes. Callisto Aerglo," She introduced herself after a moment, shaking Lavender's outstretched hand with slight confusion.

"I've been told you're quite good at, um, Potions," Lavender tilted her head to the right, raising her brow.

"Ah, yes - yeah. I guess you could say that," Callisto blushed, rubbing the back of her neck, "Do you need help?"

"Yes!" Lavender nearly jumped, "I mean, yeah. It would be amazing if you could help me with some things."

Truth was, Lavender didn't really need any help with Potions, her grades were good, in fact. She just wanted an excuse to easily befriend the girl who had ensnared her attention during the first half of their fifth year.

"See you after classes then? The library?" Callisto offered hesitantly.

"Sure! I'll be there!" Lavender chirpped, the tips of her ears flushing with color at the prospect of finally having a new friend.

It wasn't that Lavender had no friends, in fact, she was quite the opposite of that. But something about Callisto Aerglo just made her aura alluring and Lavender was determined to find out what exactly that was.

"See ya!" Lavender waved excitedly before bouncing back to the Gryffindor table and sitting in her rightful place next to Parvati Patil.

"Yeah, see you..." Callisto mumbled, her brows furrowed in confusion as to what had just happened while her fellow Hufflepuffs flooded her with questions and smirks.

[ i love my bbys]

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