Victory is ours

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"It's mine!" Harry said, examining the Elder Wand
"What are we going to do with it?"
"We?!" Hermione said, giving Ron a look.

Harry thought for a moment as his friends talked about how the wand would make him "invincible".

'I don't want that. I don't want invincibility, I want peace' Harry said to himself. His friends looked at him with bold eyes for a decision. Harry took hold of the wand with both hands, snapped it in half, and tossed both halves out into the ravine. He hopped off the rock he was standing on, joining his friends. We looked at the sky for a while and just stood there. 

Ron started laughing. And after a while, we all started laughing. We turned back to the Castle.

"This is definitely going to take some time. And work." Harry said, staring at the almost destroyed building.

"Harry? Before you think about rebuilding Hogwarts, I think there is a certain Weasley who would like to see you, you know, alive." Hermione said, with a mischievous smile.

"Right, um....ok" Harry said, a little embarrassed. He started to run towards the castle yelling 'I'll see you later' as well.

Hermione noticed Ron's sudden change in mood. "Ron, what's wrong?" He just shrugged.

"They're going to get married at some point, and.....well Fred won't..." Ron said, emotionally.

"Fred will be there. Maybe not standing in full human form, but he'll be there. There is nothing stopping those two from anything. Fred will watch his little sister get married. Along with Harry's Parents, Sirius, Tonks, and everyone we've lost during this long, dreadful war."

Ron smiled a bit. "I wonder how George is taking it. I mean, I thought I was taking it horribly. George, he must be devastated!"

Hermione looked back at the castle. "There's only one way to find out." She said, intertwining her fingers with his. They headed back for Hogwarts. Smiling, hand in hand.


Harry searched what was left of Hogwarts for Ginny. He blankly heard her screaming at some point, and wanted to know if she was ok. He ran through the castle, so fast he tripped and fell down a whole flight of stairs.

"That. Did Not. Feel Good." He said, groaning as he rolled over into his back. When he opened his eyes, Ginny stood above him with a look saying 'what on God's great earth, Harry'.

"Um, hey." Harry said. "You didn't just see me fall down these stairs did you?" He said with embarrassment.

"No, I did. I was walking out of that hallway as you came crashing down. Are you alright?" Ginny said, trying to hold back a giggle. "That looked like it hurt!"

"Yeah, I think Im ok. Cant say the same for my wrist." Harry held up his arm, which was twisted in a most disturbing way at the wrist.

"Harry Potter. You manage to leave a full out battle with a dark wizard with only a few cuts and bruises, but tripping down a flight of stairs breaks a bone." Ginny said with a bit of a laugh. She clutched his other hand, helping him up, then led him to the mini hospital that had been set up during the battle. As they walked, they passed by the main entrance, where Hermione and Ron stopped them.

"Harry? What on earth happened?"

"Broken bone that was overlooked after the battle......." Harry said nonchalantly.

Ginny rolled her eyes "He tripped over some stone as he was running through the halls. Where's Madam Pomfrey?"

Ron hung his head. "Over there, cleaning Fred up" Ginny's face dropped too. "Ok" She said softly.

She loosened her grip on Harry's good wrist and walked slowly to where Fred lay. Madam Pomfrey had cleansing solution in a bowl and was gently cleaning the dirt and blood off of Fred's body. Mrs. Weasley was standing next to George. Arthur was nowhere to be seen.

"Madam Pomfrey? Harry did something to his wrist" Ginny said, then winking at Harry, said "during the battle."

"And you're just now coming to me?" She said, covering Fred after cleaning him. "Let me see." Ginny drug Harry to Madam Pomfrey so she could see his wrist. Based upon the look on Madam Pomfrey's face, Ginny knew it wasn't going to be an easy fix.

"What on earth did you do to completely snap your wrist in two?!"
Ginny started to snicker. Harry rolled his eyes at Ginny, which just made her giggle harder.

"I, uh, must've fell harder than I thought out of Hagrid's arms." Harry said, giving a little glare towards Ginny, who was trying her hardest not to laugh, but found it difficult.

Madam Pomfrey wrapped his wrist up and put his arm in a sling. "Now I wouldn't recommend and harsh, evil wizard battles anytime soon. That wrist needs to completely heal before you even think about picking up a wand."

Harry scoffed a bit, But then smiled when Ginny slid her hand into his other good hand. She pulled him out of the bustle of people needing assistance and back outside.

"So what know?" Harry asked.

"Enjoy........enjoy being free." Ginny said, closing her eyes, opening her arms out, and breathing my deeply. "Free from all of the pain you've endured your whole life so far. With Voldemort gone, you don't have to worry anymore!" She continued, now turning towards Harry, grabbing his hand and holding it comfortingly.

"You're right, Ginny. I'm free. We all are. Free from the Dur......wait a minute. Where am I gonna live now?"

"We will cross that bridge when we get there. Right now, we have a lot of cleaning up to do, and mending of spirits to fulfill. There's many broken people in there at the moment. All of which need comforting."

"Well, then." Harry wrapped Ginny in a bear hug. "I'll start with you."

Ginny hugged back, then reality struck her. The battle was over, but she'd lost her brother in the midst. She'd gained a strong, loving boyfriend, but there was still grief.

Overwhelmed, she started to cry.

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