Mental Illnesses feat. Fetacon

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Hey guys! This chapter is not a rant by me, it's a rant by my friend Fetacon , he wanted to do a rant and I told him that he could do it here. And since this isn't made by me, sorry if you don't see my humor. But we wouldn't joke about this kind of thing, after all... this is serious. So see you guys at the end! Take it away, Fetacon ! (All credits go to him.)

Something I hate about modern society is how everyone likes to joke about mental illnesses or not take them seriously. Mental illnesses are serious problems and should be taken seriously. And I'm not just talking about depression, anxiety or OCD, I'm also talking about narcissistic personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder, etc. The mental illnesses disregarded and seen as that person just being an arsehole.

People always say, "I'm so OCD." Without even realizing what OCD really means and how serious it is. If you don't know, OCD is more serious than you think it is. It isn't a feeling where you always need to stay organized that you can just shrug it off like it's nothing. If you have OCD, you always have an itching feeling that everything needs to be perfect. You can't think straight and you start to have anxiety even though you know that nothing is wrong, but there is always a thought in your mind to fix things. So, please don't go around saying that you have OCD when you actually have a natural instinct to fix things while other people who do have it are suffering and having a hard time continuing their lives because of it.

And people who claim to have ADD, ADHD, or anything related to these are most likely not diagnosed and/or probably using it as an excuse for being lazy, or just think it makes them sound "unique" and "quirky". Again, don't do that if you don't actually have it.

Also, people who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder and/or Histrionic Personality Disorder (Google it) are often regarded as people just being huge arseholes or d-bags or attention seekers. The people who judge them and don't think deeper do not understand that it's the same thing as having depression. We or they don't want to be this way. We or they understand that they look, act or sound like arseholes, but it's not easy to just stop doing it.

Shady says: Think of it like you're on a really fast merry-go-round that you see in playgrounds. You want to get off the really fast thing, but it's not easy to stop it. So you just have to wait for it to slow down, that's what Fetacon is trying to say. Back to you, dude.

After all, you can't  tell a depressed person to just be happy. Same thing with people who have NPD and/or HPD, you can't tell them to just be happy.

So, to top it off, don't say you have mental disorders if you don't and don't misjudge people who have it.

Shady says: Thank you, Fetacon for joining me in this serious rant. If you like his content, go check out his profile and follow him if you like! I have my own ending speech or something as well for the people who have mental disorders. Don't be discouraged if you have those mental illnesses, you're special, you're loved, and nothing can take that away from you. If ever you feel discouraged, just remember that you are brave for living and surviving life with it! And if you ever need help, go to your close friends or family and ask for assistance. I'm your friend, aren't I? You can also talk to me if you need to, not sure with Fetacon, but I believe he'd be happy to talk with you people as well. This is the end of this chapter! Stay strong, young ones!
~Fetacon and Shady

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