The Kiss ♥

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ツ Chapter 2

The Kiss ツ

* 2 weeks later *

Adam's POV

I spent these days thinking about her. And every time I thought of her I loved her more. I guess I must tell this to her otherwise I’m already crazy. I decide to call her, and invite her to a restaurant.


“Hi there Shaki, it’s Adam”

“Yeah. Hi. What’s up?”

“Shak, you know, I wanted…maybe u can come with me to a restaurant? I’ll take you”

“Why! That’s a surprise. Something happened?”

“Nothing special”

“Okay I will”

“Is 2 hours enough?”


“Alright then, I’ll come”-I say hanging up the phone. I don’t have much time. I have to prepare , and it’s useless to worry about what’s going to happen. People say that sometimes it’s better not to know what’s in your future. That’s why I decided just to feel better, and prepare. I wore a suit. I also tried to put on my tie, but as it was too hard for me, I just threw it on my bed. I fixed my hair. And then looking at the watch I realized that I have only half an hour. I ran out of my house, got in the car and started it. It was only 15 minutes way to Shakira’s house so I wasn’t worrying that much. Just when I stopped my car next to her house my heart started beating faster. I attentively looked around me and realized Gerard wasn’t at home. This was really good. A split second later she stood there locking her front door. Then she started walking to my car. I jumped out of it and opened the next sit door for the woman of my life.  She looked up at me, smiling. I also had a grin on my face. She sat in the car. I closed the door and went to my sit, with a satisfied smile.

Shakira’s POV

I was wondering why he invited me to a restaurant. To be honest, these 2 weeks I was feeling something strange. Every night I always thought of him…ALWAYS.

I don’t know  why, but I was feeling extremely nervous. He saw his car parking in front of my home.  Thanks God Gerard wasn’t at home, otherwise he was going to bombard with questions. But deep down in me I was feeling very good with Adam. Sometimes I felt like I had feeling for him, and then tried to ignore those thoughts because I was simply taken. And again…I saw his hazel eyes again and my heart started melting again. He opened the door for me! Oh my God, he’s such a gentleman! Gerard has never done these things for me. NEVER. And now it was strange for me a lot, but I simply loved everything he did. I was afraid of thinking what would Gerard do to me, if he knew about this. But he’ll never know.

During the drive both of us were silent. It wasn’t like Adam. He has always done his jokes with everybody of us, but now he was really serious. Honestly it frightened me a lot.

At least we arrived. He jumped off the car and once again opened the door for me. Oh my God, he’s so cute. I thanked him as I jumped off it too. I was stuck in my thoughts and didn’t even notice where we were now. Beach. Yes it was the beach. I really love it. How did he know?

* One and half an hour later *

Time really passes so fast! I haven’t noticed how the one and half of an hour passed. I just know I felt so good with him. He was all I dreamt. I know that I’m not allowed thinking this way about another man, since I’m married already 2 years, but I have to confess…I…Love…Him. I don’t know what should I do…I don’t want to ruin my family…thought…there isn’t any family, Gerard doesn’t care about me a lot, we don’t have a child, I loved him but…It’s really hurtful.

We keep talking about different things. About the life, about the business…about everything and anything…But then some kind of tension starts raising between us, and then the thing I know is his perfect lips pressed against mines. It feels so good. I’m not even going to pull him away from me. I give in. I know it’s the worst thing I could ever do to Gerard. But you’ll never know if he hasn’t done something like this to me. Hat I know is that I don’t want the moment to end. It feels so right, I don’t care about what others will say or think.

Hey guys! Thanks all of you for your wonderful comments. They honestly mean a lot to me. Please vote and comment. Thanks for support. You're so amazin' 


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