"Leaving?" he asks me, although he already knew the answer. I nod my head and walk to one of the draws connected to the counters. When I find what I'm looking for, I take it out and place it on the counter: pen and paper. I begin writing a short note to Martha, thanking her for all her help.

Travis got up from his current seat and walked toward me. He stands behind me and takes a look over my shoulder, reading the words as I write it. When I feel his breath hit of neck, I suddenly catch a chill, causing me to shiver. With my peripheral vision, I see him turn his head to look at my face. "You cold?" he asks me, letting me know my shiver didn't go unnoticed.

I shrugged my shoulders. No, I'm not cold. I finish the letter and turn around, so I'm now facing him. He takes a step back, realizing how close we were standing. I hand the letter to him. "Make sure Martha gets this when she wakes," I instruct him.

Travis takes the note and places it on the counter. "She'll get it," he informs me. A silence engulfs the room, and I take it as my cue to leave. As I'm about to open the door, Travis stops me. "Wait!" he says as he comes closer to where I am. "Is it really true? All that stuff my grandma told me about you," he asks me.

"I don't know what all she told you, so I can't say yes or no," I say to him, looking outside. Damn. I need to hurry now.

"You're going to get some magic from the full moon tonight?" he questions again, his voice sounding a little skeptical. I roll my eyes. I seriously don't have time to hear him talk about how ridiculous this all sounds.

"It's not magic," I say while turning toward the door to leave.

"I want to see it happen!" he shouts abruptly when he sees me leaving. I exhaled drastically. Seriously? I shake my head to say no. "Oh come on, I have to see it to believe it," he pushes.

"Then you're just going to be a nonbeliever," I say while looking out the door. I didn't see any lights flashing, so hopefully that's a good sign. I quietly made my way outside. I took cautionary steps while looking around for any sign of human movement.

I heard the door close behind me, and turned to see Travis, following me outside. Ugh, this guy is so freaking persistent! "No! Go back inside!" I whisper/yell at him. He shook his head and mouthed no as he turned to lock the door behind him.

This cannot be happening. How stupid is he? "If you don't go back--" I began my threat as I pointed viciously toward his house, but he cut me off.

"I want to come," he whispered loudly as he put the keys in his pocket and made his way to me. I groaned in frustration, annoyance, and anger. Why is he being so difficult? He's like a child that didn't listen when the parent told him not to stick his finger into the fan, but did it anyway. The end result is the kid hurting his finger, and in this case, Travis is going to hurt more than just his finger.

I open my mouth to object, but I see some flashlights moving quickly on the street. Along with the flashlights, there were some footsteps. "Damn it," I curse as I grab hold of the stupid boy's arm and began rushing us through the backyard. I stop once we hit the alleyway and I look for something to hide behind. Travis taps my shoulder to get my attention.

I look at him with aggravation, now is not to time for his humor. He points to a dumpster that was a few houses down. I grab him arm again and we run toward it. Travis makes to hide behind it but I pull him back. Hiding behind won't do us any good.

I raise the lid and motion for him to get in. He looks from the dumpster, to me, then back again, a look of judgment on his face. "I just bought this jacket," he says in his defense.

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