Chapter 36: Sisters Before Misters (Hailey)

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She hesitated as she coated my hairline, ears, and neck with the conditioner that came in the box. "Personal things."

"Hannah." I shot her a pointed look in the mirror.

"He gave me a little speech of reasons why he's in love with you." She sighed as she finished applying the conditioner. "He thought I was you, which was weird."

"He was doped up on drugs and stuff." I reminded her.

"Right." She nodded then tossed the empty thing of conditioner away before she started dying my hair. "Did you know about Dad cheating on Mom?"

"Yeah." I whispered because the fear that she would finally leave me was making it hard to breath. "She told me when you and Dad went out to get ice cream one day way back in like fifth or sixth grade. I didn't believe her until I watched the videos she had on the video camera she left me, the one I tossed because it was broken."

"You didn't tell me." Hannah stopped dying my hair for a second to look at me in the mirror.

"You've always been Daddy's little princess." I met her eyes. "We lost Mom, and I didn't want you to lose Dad too."

"I'm sorry you had to keep that a secret." She set the dye stuff down. "You shouldn't have had to do that."

"It's fine." I shrugged it off then grinned widely. "How did you like playing tonsil hockey with Mason?"

"It was weird because I see him as an annoying brother." She shook her head repeatedly before picking the dye back up. "He's also a really good kisser."

"I know!" I laughed. "I was so surprised by that."

"How-oh, wait." She closed her eyes for half a second. "You've kissed him before. How did I forget about that?"

"That's your fifth question?" I laughed harder and got yelled at for moving my head. "Easy, you just don't care about my love life."

"That's not my question." Hannah grumbled as she applied dye to a different section.

"Yes, it is." I picked my phone up when a notification popped up, but I clicked it off and set it screen down when I saw it was a text from Mason complaining about Justin. "Why do you treat me like a kid?"

"I don't treat you like a child." She frowned.

"Yes, you do." I resisted the urge to run my fingers through my hair. "Instead of saying 'he told me about his feelings for you,' you said 'personal things.' Also, you refused to teach me how to drive because 'driving is dangerous.'"

"Oh my God, I do treat you like child." She groaned.

"Why?" I repeated myself somewhat.

"Because when Mom left, I took up her role because Dad was drinking and you were freaking out about everything!" She shook her head. "Even spiders in the bathroom."

"Spiders are terrifying." I stuck my tongue out at her. "I didn't ask you to kill it for me."

"After the second time because I threatened to beat you with the shoe I used to kill the second one with!" Hannah started laughing.

"You're a terrible sister." I smiled at her reflection. "Is that why you freaked out so much when I went to that party at Johnny's?"

"That's your fifth question." Hannah flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Yeah, it's way I freaked out. You're my baby."

"We're the same age, Hannah." I rolled my eyes. "Literally."

"Have you and Mason talked about what I said that night in the Inn?" She asked once she was finished dying my hair.

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