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Ah, such a marvelous choice you have made by pausing your browsing in the Internet and reading this book. I am proud to announce that with my superior knowledge of computers, I have hacked into a writer known as derp_eye's account and made a book myself.

This is where you suggest ships for me to react to, in which I will be honest to the core with you. It can be from any franchise, even a ship with your OC so long as you have some information provided for me to scrutinize the OC to formulate an opinion.

Let it be known that you may not agree with my opinion. If you get pissed off about my choices, take your anger out on Governor Tarkin. His jaw is a punching bag begging to be struck.

And please, ignore the possible Erso and derp parasites lingering throughout the context of this book.

Requests are now open.

Director Orson Krennic Reacts to Ships (and other stuff)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin