Chapter 2

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Faith's POV

I have been moping around in my room for the past few weeks, not coming out unless it's for school or food. I din't want to risk running into him. I know it is impossible to avoid him forever seeing as we go to the same school and live in the pack house, but I want to avoid him for as long as possible. My friends all have tried cheering me up but nothing has worked so far. As for that jerkface mate Aiden, he seems happy enough with his liitle girlfriend. This does not bother me one bit. Ok maybe a little... The point is that while I am moping around he just acts as if he doesn't have a care in the world, showing off his girlfriend like that. I was interuppted from my thoughts when someone knocked on the door. I opened the door to find Sam leaning against my door frame. I turned around, walking to my bed and sitting on it, knowing that Sam would follow.

"What do you want Sam?" I asked him quietly. It may not seem like it but Sam and I are really good friends except that his enforcer work keeps him busy most of the time.

"Well I have an idea on how you can get back at Aiden," he replied with an mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What is this great idea of yours?" I groaned at him, not liking the glint in his eyes one bit.

"We can pretend to be girlfriend and boyfriend to make Aiden jealous and regret rejecting you," he smiled cheekily.

"You know that just might work," I smirked at Sam.

"See I knew you would agree!!!" laughed Sam.

Let's start tomorrow at school where he can see us ok?" I asked Sam

"Sure! This is going to be fun." Sam replied rubbing his hands together in an evil way. All I know is that tomorrow is going to be a heck of a day.

Author's Note

Hey guys! I am sooooo sorry about not updating for sooooooo long. Please forgive me cause I have been really busy with my assesments and tests. I'm still freaking out bout my english assesment. Anyway I will try to update as fast as I can but I can't promise anything. Remember to vote, comment and fan!!!


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