Chapter 5.

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Garu thinking quickly, he gripped up Aya and practically shoved her behind him while him and Hiryu were facing off with Jael who still looked absolutely mad.

"Stay away from my servant! I got her fair and square!"

Jael shouted loudly at the two males while keeping up his large hunting rifle, his sights trained on Hiryu and then slowly shifting to the one that was blocking his sweet Aya.

"We need to get out of here and quick..What's the plan?"

Hiryu spoke softly so only Garu could hear, leaving Aya completely in the dark on the plan and completely in their hands.

"Well..First we need to knock his sights off of us long enough for us to make a break for it, from there we just have to get out of his eye sight."

Garu's tone was completely calm but a little higher in volume so Aya could hear him as he turned to give her a comforting smile before turning his attention back to Jael.

"You don't deserve her buddy. Kidnapping is against the law even in this fucked up world and you're going to go down."

Garu knew his words would anger Jael so much that he would act on impulse.

He was spot on because after he smirked at Jael. The man screamed in frustration and ran at Garu who then grabbed Aya, hoisting her small body over his shoulder before bolting out of the way, giving Hiryu enough time to grab a large rock from the garden and throw it hard enough and precise enough to knock the gun from Jael's hands and also knock the raging man off his balance, straight into a rose bush before himself, taking off running behind Garu.

"Shit! Did you see that!"

Anyone could easily tell Hiryu was high on adrenaline because of how he was laughing like an excited little kid.

Garu simply ignoring it and only telling Hiryu to shush so they weren't followed as the two rounded a corner, Hiryu then picking up the pace to yank a set of keys from his pocket and swiftly unlock a metal door, swinging it open just in time for Garu to rush in soon followed by Hiryu who shut the door behind them.

Finally...Aya knew she was somewhere safe when the sound of heavy metal locks could be heard along with the sighs of relief and exhaustion from them both.

"Shit...That..Was close."

Hiryu was still out of breath when he spoke, watching as Garu set Aya down and looked down at her.

"You're telling me. But we got her out and that's all that matters."

His eyes never left her gaze as he spoke.

"Ha. I would say that's not the only thing that matters. We didn't get shot so that's a pretty big thing."

He lifted to stand straight from his bent over position to see Garu barely paying attention to his words and focusing more on the small female in front of him.

Sighing deeply, Hiryu shook his head before clearing his throat obnoxiously.

"Why don't we get those cuffs off her."

The loud throat clear broke Garu from his trance enough to nod then kneel down and pull a key from his pocket.

"Took this off Jael's desk when he wasn't looking, probably paying more attention to you dear."

Aya looked down to watch Garu. She hadn't noticed how absolutely handsome he was until now, she never really had time to notice other men while working to avoid Jael.

Her attention only being taken away from her thoughts when she felt the cold and heavy cuffs fall from her wrist.

This is what she had dreamt of for so long, to be free of what broke her spirit for so long.

She knew she'd get free and finally she did. She was going home..

Or so she thought..

While lost in her mind once again so easily, she didn't fully zone in to what Garu was saying until she heard the words: "We have to wait a few days before taking you home."

"What why?!" She exclaimed, her tone clearly showing she was now frustrated.

Garu raised his eyebrow as Hiryu held back a chuckle while tossing away the metal cuffs.

"I know you probably weren't listening because this is probably overwhelming but we have to wait a few days before taking you home. If we took you home right away, That's the first place he'd look and you'd be right back in his grasp."

He walked down a few hallways after nodding to her so he'd follow him. He then headed into the small parlor to pour himself a drink before sitting down, Aya sitting down across from him.

"We have to get his ass arrested first before we take you home. I'm sorry. I know you wanted to go home sooner but we can't risk it, not after just getting you free."

Aya's happy mood dropped almost as fast as the day she woke up in the jail cell.

But she understood why he couldn't take her home no matter how much she wanted to go.

So Aya sighed deeply while nodding to him in understanding while fiddling with her ripped and dirtied clothing.

"Hiryu will happily show you to your room so that you can get changed and rest as much as you'd like."

Hiryu choked on his cigarette smoke as he looked over at Garu from the staircase.

"I will?? You sure about that?"

Garu turned his gaze to Hiryu.

"Yes I'm sure now get to it. She's probably exhausted."

"Sure thing." Hiryu said with a sigh before lifting up from the steps.

"Right this way Ma'am." 

Without even waiting much time, he headed up the stairs, making it to the top before he heard her footsteps on the staircase.

Once she also was at the top of the stairs he lead her to the end of the hallway where he opened the door to a plain colored room with a bed and dresser in it.

She sure wouldn't complain though. She had been sleeping in a cold cell every night since her kidnapping.

So happily she walked into the room, hearing the door click and shut behind her.

In the now pure silence she stood there to let it all sink in before changing and dropping her dirty and revealing clothes in the hamper, happy to be rid of them as she climbed into the fluffy feeling bed, pulling the soft sheets over her to lay there and slowly become lost in her thought.

Her one and only thought before she fell asleep was: "what does life have in store for me now.."

To be Continued..~

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