No Longer Alone (Soramafu) Final Part

Start from the beginning


" Mayuki. Written as 真 (middle) and冬 (snow) [真冬 is also pronounced as Mafuyu, Mafumafu's name]. Because it's a girl but you said it reminded you of me. I.....wanted that every time you were with the cat, you would think of me...."


"Well, that's happy ok? I won't allow for sadness!! Goodbye Soraru. The time we spent will be forever in my heart. " (run)

"Wait! Mafumafu! Stop! Please....come back...."

----[mafumafu pov]--- Soraru picked foolish could I be to think I'd have a chance after all this time....

"Mafumafu? Whoa, h-hey are you alright?"


"Why are you crying?"

".....Soraru....Soraru is going out with Neru...."

"Wait, that rumour was true?! Damn, I hate that guy! How can he do this to you?!"


"I'm going to pound some sense into that Student President just you watch me!"

"'s all right....I just want to be alone right now...."

"....Alright then...tell me if you need anything ok?"

It's not Amatsuki's fault....or Soraru's's all mine....



"I heard you're going out with the Vice President guy. "


"You hurt Mafumafu so bad....I will never forgive you. "


"If you get near him again, you know what's going to happen!"

[soraru pov]
I.....I hurt him....but I did the right thing though....didn't I? I owe Neru so much...and I like him too....but then why....why can't I stop this pain in my chest?!

"Ah! There you are darling! I was looking for you after you ran off. By the way, what happened to the boy?"


"Well, that's that. Nothing you can do about it. You are going out with me after all. "


"Hey! I have a great idea! Let's hang out after school at my house okaay? Don't forget!"


-------[mafumafu pov]----


"Come on Mafumafu! You can't just cry all day! I know he was special to you but he's taken! You can't do anything about it!"


" about you go out with me...?"

" where?"

"Eh? I mean in a lovers sense. Do you want to be my lover?"

Huh??? Amatsuki....wants to go out....with me??? He....likes me??

"I won't ever cheat. I'll be there with you whenever you want. And for sure, I swear I won't let you be lonely!"

But....maybe he can make me happy....


"For real?! You will!? I'm so happy!!! This...this is like a dream!!! Thank you thank you Mafumafu!!! I promise to make you happy."

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