Life as a Sex Slave

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I woke up and sighed. It's my 2 year anniversary of being kidnapped and turned into a sex slave. I never fully got my powers back but I did enough so they know I'm Supergirl. They threatened to out me so, I stayed. The people who bought me are named Cisco and Todd. I better get ready for the daily modeling. Each day the guys come to my room at 9:00 and I show off my outfit. It sucks, but I do it anyway. I just put on a sparkly blue dress and do my makeup. I hated doing this but I had to.

"Time to strut your stuff," Jason said.

I walk out and show it off. They look at me with a perverted look.

"Nice," Todd said.

"Since it's your two year anniversary both of us get you," Cisco said.

"I call going first," Todd says.

"I honestly don't care. Let's get this over with," I say annoyed.

I go into Todd's room and do some stuff. A few hours later I go to Jason's room and........ stuff. I'm relaxing in my room when suddenly I hear gunshots. I cautiously get up and creep downstairs. I see Alex standing over Cisco and Todd's bodies, she had knocked them out.

"Alex" I croaked.

"Kara" Alex says tears running down her face.

I run up to her, tears forming. I envelop her in a huge hug, tears falling out of my eyes.

"We need to get you back to the DEO now," Alex says worriedly "You need to get under yellow Sun lamps"

"Okay," I mutter, still shocked that she was here.

We exit the house and walk into the Sun. I immediately feel my strength come back, even from this little bit of Sun. We walk up to the D.E.O. van, agents hugging me as we walk up. I get into the van and watch the hell I was in for 2 years disappear from sight. 

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