Ultear X reader: A New World

Start from the beginning

Ultear: Do I look like I am?

(y/n): Ummm... no.

You look away sheepishly.

Ultear: What the hell is this place?

(y/n): I don't get what you mean by that? You are in a city though. Don't you know what one is?

Ultear: Of course I do!!!??? But this isn't a city. At;east from my standards.

(y/n): Your standards?

Ultear: Where is Fiore from here?

(y/n): Fiore? I have never heard of it.

Ultear: What!? What do you mean you haven't "heard of it"?

(y/n): Look miss. I don't know what sort of pretend game you are playing but it isn't really funny. I don't want to be in your game with your friends.

Ultear: I'm not playing any game!!!!!

She stands up and glares at you.

(y/n): Ummm?

Ultear: You are so worthless to me!!!

She holds her hands out as if she is going to do one of her spells but nothing happens. She looks back and surprised as to nothing happening.

Ultear: What?: I don't even feel my magic. I can't use it. Why?

You look at her very confused and just stare at her. She blushes and turns around to walk off.

(y/n): Wait!!!! What's your name!!!!!???

Ultear ignores you and continues walking.

Ultear: (What the hell is going on? I'm somewhere I don't even recognize, that guy thinks I am insane and has never heard of Fiore? How? Its one of the biggest and strongest nations in the world. Well at least until Tartarus blew it up.)

She looks down at her palms as she walks out of the park and onto the sidewalk of a street. As she walks she finally looks up to see tall buildings made out of metal and stone with glass windows.

Ultear: (How are these things this tall? What sort of technology does this place use?)

She sees many people walk by and all sorts of new things to her. Out of fear and anxiety she starts to run and finds a dark ally.

Ultear: (What the hell is happening to me!!!!??? Did I fall into some bad dream?)

Ultear finds a box and sits on there to think to herself.

Ultear: (This is so weird. We speak the same language but I don't understand any of the writing here. Uuuuuhhhhgggg, this is so weird!!!)

(y/n): (What a weird girl.I wonder what is up with her. Hopefully she will figure it out though.)

You walk back to your house and drink a glass of water before heading to bed.


It was the weekend so you were heading to your favorite place for Breakfast. "Peppy's griddle and cafe."

Ultear wakes up lying on the ground in the alley.

U;tear: (I must have fallen asleep)

As she stands up she hears some voice coming from around the corner behind her.

???: So, where shall we go today?

???: I don't know, this part of town has some pretty good people. But we don't want to stay for too long.

They round the corner and see Ultear standing there. They stare at her for a little while she stares at them with small surprise and a blush.

???: Well what is a pretty woman like you doing here?

Ultear milkovich x readerWhere stories live. Discover now