Ben sat on his phone, as he leaned against the kitchen counter at the Denmark Café.
Olivia paced around, impatiently, near the door, waiting for a customer to come in.
It's already noon, and so far they've only gotten a few customers to show up, and Olivia was getting aggrevated.
Beatrice leaned against the counter beside Connor, and finally looked up at the angry blonde, "maybe people in New York don't drink coffee passed 11."
"Tell that to all the Starbucks around, with a hundred people in them all day long," Ben glanced over at the brunette, as he fidgeted with his Harley quinn, jacket sleeve.
"yeah, I don't understand, we were doing so well yesterday morning!" Olivia whined, before finally flopping onto a stool.
"Maybe, we aren't as good as we thought we were," Connor glanced at Ben.
Ben gasped, offendedly, "my coffee is amazing, everyone said so.."
Connor smirked, "everyone said my tarts and crepes were amazing too, maybe they all lied."
Ben shrugged, looking back to his phone, "yeah, probably."
Olivia jumped up again, when a young, businessman walked through the door.
"Are you guys open?" The businessman asked.
"Absolutely!" Olivia said, enthusiastically, and scaring the man a bit.
"how much baked goods and coffee could you guys make within the hour?" The businessman asked frantically, "I was sent out on a lunch run, and I couldn't find any Starbucks that had a short enough line, and I can not be late getting back with my bosses order."
Connor and Bea headed into the kitchen, to get started cooking, and Ben started up the coffee machines.
"What did you want to order?" Olivia asked, politely, trying to remain calm from her excitement.
The businessman scanned the menu, before answering, "how about 10 each of 4 of your tart flavors? Uh, the strawberry, blueberry, chocolate, and Boston cream ones. And, just 40 hot coffees, and one of the coconut cappuccinos."

Ben, Bea, and Olivia helped the businessman get the food and coffee into his car, after he paid, and the orders were finished.
"This all looks so great!" The businessman shut the passenger door, "thank you guys so much!"
"Are you going to be able to carry this all into your office building?" Bea asked, concerningly.
The businessman hesitated, "um.. probably not.. if I'm lucky someone might come help me, though I doubt it.."
Olivia glanced at her two friends, "want us to come help you?"
Bea and Ben frowned, looking up skeptically at the blonde.
"Would you?" The businessman asked, excitedly, "I'd do it myself, but if I don't get in there within the next ten minutes, there not going to let me up to the office.. then I'll have to call my boss to allow me through.. again.."
Ben sighed, and rolled his eyes at the disfuctional man, "we'll help you. Let's go."
The four of them got into the car, leaving Connor in charge of the café.
It would have taken just a few short minutes to reach the office, because it was just around the corner, but the New York traffic was not on their side today.
The businessman honked his horn, furiously, trying to get the cab driver that was four cars in front of them, to move.
Bea looked over from the backseat, where her, Olivia, and Ben sat, "where is your office at, anyways?"
The businessman pointed ahead to a tall, black building, sitting between two smaller brown buildings.
Venturi, was spelled out in giant, silver letters, along the right side of the building, starting from the top.
Bea and Olivia exchanged worried looks, before turning to look at Ben, who wasn't paying much attention, as the businessman pulled up and parked beside the building.
The businessman rushed our of the car, followed by Olivia, Bea, and Ben, and they each grabbed the food and coffee from the passenger seat before heading inside to a giant lobby.
Ben stared straight ahead, at the silver, cursive name mounted upon the wall across from them.
Venturi and Co.
"These people really like the color silver," Ben stuttered, as he noticed his two friends staring at him.
Olivia and Bea didn't say anything, as they lead Ben to the front desk where the businessman was arguing with a receptionist.
"I'm not that late!" The man shouted.
"You know the rules, Mr. Lenovo," the receptionist rolled his eyes, "no entering the top floors after 1:30! Unless you want me to see if Mr. Rodgers is available."
"Come on, Marco," the businessman pleaded, "let me up! I was getting coffee and food for Mr. Rodgers!"
Marco shrugged, rudely, before looking passed Mr. Lenovo and to the three young adults behind him, "and, you brought strangers in here? Rodgers is going to kill you!"
"They're not strangers, they're the people who made the coffee, they were helping me bring it in," Mr. Lenovo explained to the mean receptionist.
Marco looked appalled now, "so they're friends?"
"I didn't say that!" Mr. Lenovo Said, nervously.
"Lenovo!" A deep voice rang throughout the lobby.
Olivia, Bea, and Ben all turned to find a slightly tall man, with a scruffy beard looking then over, unpleasantly.
The man stepped towards Mr. Lenovo, "i figured you were stuck again, since you werent up in my office at exactly 1:30 with my coffee!"
The man pulled one of the coffees out of the cup holder, in Ben's hands, aggressively, and took a sip before gagging, "this coffee is mediocre at best!"
"Hey!" Ben shouted, despite Bea and Olivia trying to shush him, Ben glared up into the man's eyes, "I have you know, everyone else considers my coffee some of the best."
The man; Mr. Rodgers, stepped over to Ben again, studying the boy's superhero attire, "and who the hell are you, to come into my building and start shouting at me?"
Mr. Rodger looked over at the businessman, who was trying to hide behind the blonde in front of him, but quickly stepped beside her, at the acknowledgement of his boss.
"Did you bring these children in here?" Mr. Rodgers pointed his finger at Ben.
Mr. Lenovo shook his head frantically, but Marco betrayed him with a nod.
"You're fired!" Mr. Rodgers shouted at Mr. Lenovo.
"You can't do that!" Ben protested, setting the cup holder onto the receptionist counter.
Mr. Rodgers glared at the young boy again, "get out of my building before I call security!"
Ben stood his ground, and crossed his arms in protest, "no."
"This isn't your building!" Olivia finally spoke up, "this is Mr. Venturi's building!"
"Mr. Venturi isn't here today," Mr. Rodgers corrected the girl, "so that puts me in charge. I'm sure he wouldn't care if I kicked a bunch of children out of his building!"
"He might," a British voice rang through the lobby.
The group turned their attention to the main doors, to find Lilian Edwards making her way over to them.
"Mrs. Edwards," Mr. Rodgers entire attitude changed, as he walked towards the blonde woman, "what a pleasure to have you."
"Leonardo asked me to stop by, and grab those papers he said you had for him, about the watches," Lilian explained to the older man.
Mr. Rodgers grinned and nodded, "of course. I'll grab those papers for you, as soon as I get rid of these children!"
"They're not children, they're young adults," Lilian corrected Mr. Rodgers, before sliding over to Ben's side, and placing her arms around his shoulder, "and, I wouldn't cause problems with this one."
Ben looked up at the British blonde, coming to his rescue, and figured she must know about the marriage mishap.
"Whats so special about him?" Marco spoke up from his desk.
Lilian only glanced over to the receptionist, with a smile, "oh, I'm not supposed to say much, but I doubt Leonardo would like it very much if he heard that his new spouse, had been kicked out of his own office building.."
Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Lenovo, and Marco all frowned, as they stared at the young brunette in shock.
Ben stared down at his feet, a little embarrassed, but then peered up at Mr. Rodgers, "bet you don't find my coffee so horrible now.."
Mr. Rodgers scoffed, "uh.. well.. you're married to Mr. Venturi? How? Mr. Venturi isn't married!"
"He is, as of yesterday," Lilian corrected the man, "he's.. keeping it on the down low for now, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind me telling you since you're being so rude to the poor boy."
"Rude? No!" Mr. Rodgers faked a laugh, now smiling at Ben and the girls, "I wasnt being rude."
"You fired my friend," Ben pointed to Mr. Lenovo.
"Fired?" Mr. Rodgers looked over at the businessman with a smile, "how about a promotion?"
"Really?" Mr. Lenovo gasped, excitedly.
"How about those papers for Leo?" Lilian reminded Mr. Rodgers.
Mr. Rodgers nodded, before rushing up to retrieve the papers for Lilian, with Mr. Lenovo, and Marco following behind with the coffee and food.
Ben and the girls turned to Lilian after watching the men scurry off.
"Thanks for saving us.. and Mr. Lenovo," Ben thanked the older woman.
Lilian shrugged, "it was no problem, dear. Just, try not to cause too much trouble. I don't think Leo would be too keen on helping you out the way I did."
"You're probably right, he's a dick," Ben sighed, glancing down to the floor.
Lilian laughed at the brunette, "he's not such a dick as he pretends to be. I'm sure he'll come around to you, after he gets over this whole marriage thing."
"You mean in 6 months, when he gets his citizenship, and get rid of me?" Ben stared up at the blonde, "and, pay the government to make it look like our marriage never happened?"
Lilian nodded, and brushed a strand of hair out of her eye, "yeah, exactly."
Beatrice studied the older blonde, mesmerized by the woman, "you're gorgeous."
Lilian smiled at the shorter, brunette, "why thank you."
"You're Lilian Edwards, one of the top fashion designers in the world," Olivia announced, studying Lilian's attire; a short black dress, that only reached just passed her butt, and a white leathered jacket over it, with simple black heels.
"I love your new summer collection," Olivia commented, "usually I hate summer lines of clothing, because they're just so bright and unflattering, but you seem to match the brightness with darker tones."
Lilian admired the younger blondes compliment, "thank you. I usually hate summer fashion, too. So, I came up with a new approach to it."
"You're gorgeous," Bea repeated herself.
Olivia shot the brunette a dirty look, "you said that already."
"I'll say it a hundred times," Bea looked back to the blonde beside her, "she is gorgeous, and she should be told that all the time."
Lilian only laughed, before frowning and looking around the group, "weren't there four of you, yesterday?"
Ben looked around too, wondering who Lilian was referring to, before gasping, "we left Connor alone at the café!"
"Oh my god!" The girls both shouted, before the three of them rushed off, and back to the café.

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