Fight until you can't fight anymore

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I went to the bathroom.
My mascara was everywhere on my face.
I couldn't stop crying,
My heart was broken.
After a while I was calm down.
I put my mascara away from my face and went out of the bathroom.
I was on my way to search for Cristina
She is the best person if you need someone to talk but I couldn't find her,
Maybe she is sick at home or she is operating I thought.
I saw the operatingboard where all the names used to be.
I looked after Yang but I could find her,
There were a lot of new names on it like Riggs,
Deluca and Warren.
I was wondering why I couldn't find Torres or other names as Bailey went to me.
Hannah is asking for you she wants to talk to another neurosurgeon.
We where on our way as a young man shouted my name Izzie i turned around,
He was laughing I didn't expect that I will see you again and not at this place.
Andrew what are you doing here, the same question I have to ask you he said.
Oh I want to visit Doctor Bailey i said,
He was looking weird at me
You know her too ?
Yes Doctor Stevens used to work at this Hospital as an Intern, Bailey said.
And now we have to go.
She pulled me with her, we will see us Andrew I shouted.
We arrived at Hannah's room
Her parents were standing outside of it .
Hannah wants this operation but she wants to talk to you.
Her father told me.
I went inside Hannah was lying down in her bed. In her room were a Teddy and some pictures of her and some friends.
Sit down she told me.
I have to tell you something,
I'm scared that I'm not going to survive this.
So I'd like to talk to you,
I know you gave me away when I was a little nugget, of course I was mad at you when my parents told me that there are not my real parents, but now with a higher age I can
Understand you, you were only one year older then me when you gave birth to me
So thank you for all this, thank you for my parents thank you for the life that you gave me.
I started crying inside myself,
Hannah listen to me you're only 16 years old you're not a women yet, you haven't graduated from high school and you had no boyfriend
You can't say goodbye to us
Fight, FIGHT for your life I said to her.
Her parents came inside and we all talked about everything.
As my alarm turned on.
I have to go, I said we will see us tomorrow.
I went out of the room
I wasn't sure where to go or what to do,
So I wrote Meredith and cancelled our Diner,
Hey meredith I have to cancel our diner tonight , I'm super tired I have to sleep I hope it's not that bad. I would like to meet you tomorrow.
Yours Izzie.
I went out of the hospital and over to the bar, were I used to be when I wasn't feel good or if I just wanna have some fun.
I ordered one tequila.
Next to me was sitting Owen Hunt,
He looked upset I was pretty sure that he was drunk.
I wanted to ask if he knows where Christina is
But at this time a women came into the bar and screamed his name
OWEN what are you doing there
Are you drunk ?
She went to him
You promised me something that you would stop drinking can you guess how hard it is for me to see you drinking I know it's hard for you with Megan but you have to come home.
The whole bar was starring at them.
So she pulled owen out of it.
There was no chance to ask someone where she
After a while I was leaving the bar and went to my hotel.
My hotel room has a great view.
I like to see the space Nadel. I pulled my sleep wear on and went to bed. My head was full of thoughts,
Paul called but I ignored him
Our relationship is getting worse, I don't love him anymore.
While thinking about the day I felt a sleep.

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