They began making camp at a relatively open area. They found some tarps and other blanket like things to use for covers. Maya had a tarp to lay on and used her jacket as a pillow. After being asleep for a while she was woke up by a noise. After sitting up she realized it sounded like crying.

"Maya?" Emma said looking to her with a sword in her hand.

"You hear that too?" Maya asked looking to her sister.

"Yeah. Let's go see what it is." Emma said as they headed towards the noise. Maya kept her hand up ready to use her magic. They walked carefully and quietly into the forest.

"You hear that too?" They heard a boy say from behind them. Emma put up her sword and they both looked at him confused. "You're Emma right?" He asked looking to Emma and then to Maya. "and you're Maya?" He asked. The twins looked to each other and then back to the boy. "I wonder why they can't hear the crying."

"Who are you?" Emma asked looking to him.

"Oh did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter. Peter Pan." He said as Maya forced him with her magic against a tree and Emma put her sword against his neck.

"Where's Henry?" Maya asked looking to him angrily.

"Wow. You two have fire. I like fire." He said looking to Emma and then Maya.

"Where's my son?" Emma yelled.

"Henry's still alive, if that's what you're worried about." He said looking to her. He didn't seem worried at all that a knife was against his neck.

"Why did you take him?" Emma asked.

"What could you possibly need him for?" Maya asked standing besides Emma.

"He's a very special boy." Peter said looking to them.

"That doesn't answer our questions." Maya said looking to him angrily. She was mad that this teen who didn't look any older then her had taken her best friend.

"I came here to see who I was up against. "The saviors." I gotta say I'm not disappointed. I thought Maya was just a little sidekick but I'm gladly proven wrong." He smiled.

"So what now? You gonna tell me how I'll never see Henry again?" Emma asked looking to him.

"No. I'm going to help you find him." He said way to kindly for a person who kidnaped someone. "I'll give you a map." He said as he reached for it and Emma backed up. "A map that will lead you straight to your son and your nephew." He said looking to them holding a piece of paper.

"If this is some story of trap-" Emma started.

"I may not be the most well behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises. "The path to finding Henry is on this parchment."

Maya reached for the paper and he held it back. "Nuh-uh." He said looking to her. "You see this can't go to you. It has to go to Emma."

"And why is that?" Emma asked looking to him.

"Because she-" he said looking to Maya then back to Emma. "has already done what I'm requesting."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Maya asked looking at him.

"Here's the thing. It's not when you find Henry, it's how you find Henry." He said as Emma took the paper.

"It's blank." She said agitated.

"You'll only be able to read the map, when you stop denying who you really are. You see, Maya has already accepted it, but you. You seem to be more stubborn about the situation." He said as Emma and Maya looked down at the paper. They looked back up and Pan was gone.

They went back to the camp and they talked about the map. Hook believed what Pan said was true. Emma tried to unlock it but nothing worked. She didn't have much hope in opening it either. Regina wanted to use magic but they all agreed it would be a bad idea to go against Pan's rules.

Snow and Charming sat across from Emma as she looked at the paper. They were trying to convince her of what to say that might allow it to work. Maya kept trying to think of something she accepted that Emma didn't. The only thing she could think of was that they were the saviors and when Emma said it, it didn't work.

"What else could it be?" Maya asked confused.

"That's it. I'm leading it to Henry." She said as David didn't agree on that idea, neither did Hook. Regina did it anyway and the paper started floating away as they all began to follow it. Emma lead while the rest of them followed. After looking for a while they got to a camp area. They saw a boy dressed in a coat and red striped scarf.

"Is that?" Maya started.

"Henry?!" Emma said as they walked towards him. "Henry." Emma said again.

The boy turned around and it was Pan. "Hi Emma." He said as they looked to him. Emma began arguing with him to give Henry back. Before long lost boys were coming at them from all around. They began to shoot arrows at them. Maya looked at the large group on the left and pushed her hands forward ending them flying backward. She grabbed her bow and arrows and aimed past all of them just to nick them. She didn't want to actually hurt them. She then heard a whistle and all the lost boys gathered behind Pan.

"Remember what I told you. The map will only show you where Henry is when you admit who you truly are." Pan said as the lost boys began running.

They began gathering stuff and Maya looked to David and Mary Margaret. She could see her mom looking at his side. He must've gotten hit but she heard him say it was only his jacket. They walked to Emma and eventually David walked back to his tent to gather things. She noticed him holding his side. She was suspicious on wether the arrow hit him.

Maya walked to him. "Hey don't worry about Emma." She said as he put his hand down and looked to her. "She's just getting used to everything. I understand why she doesn't want all the help, you just have to give her some more time." She smiled.

He went to hug Maya. "I'll keep that in mind." He said as Maya hugged him back. "You're a good sister to her. I'm proud of you for that." He said as he looked at her.

"And I have a question." She said as she looked down at his side. "Are-" she started to say before Emma came over.

"The map is working we know where Henry is." Emma said as Hook explained it would be a hard route to take. They agreed to start a new plan to get him. They walked away and began packing more. Maya decided to ask about her dad later.

"Who are you then?" Maya asked Emma. "What have I accepted that you didn't?"

"Well," she started hesitantly. ",that I'm an orphan. All this time of being alone I never wanted to believe it but now I guess I do." Emma sighed.

"At least now we have our family." Maya replied.

"Yeah I guess." Emma sighed. "I just wish it didn't cause all this trouble." She explained.

They followed the path and kept walking. "Are we almost there?" Regina asked.

"Well we have been walking in a straight line so we should be there soon." Emma said as she looked at the math. "What? How is it now behind us."

"How?" Mary Margaret asked.

"You got us lost?" Regina asked angrily. She was constantly agitated.

"No it's not her. Pan is moving the camp." Hook said looking to them.

"If Pan is moving the camp then how are we supposed to get to Henry?" Emma asked as Maya sighed. She was wrong to think it would be easy, but she didn't think it would be this hard.

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