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They were all walking through the jungle like terrain following Hook. Maya kept towards the back with her bow across her shoulder and the arrows behind her. They were all a little bit out of breath.

"Mys, do you want some water?" Mary Margaret asked as the girl nodded and took some.

"Thank you." She said as she drank a bit and heard Regina arguing with Hook. She had every right to be impatient, but Maya hoped she wouldn't try to argue the whole time. She gave Mary Margaret the water and she went up to Emma.

"Here. You need to stay hydrated." She said as she handed Emma the water.

"Thanks Mary Margaret." Emma said as she drank some.

"You know, Mary Margaret is a bit formal. You can call me mom if you want." She said looking to her as they stopped walking and Maya stood with them. "You've done it before, and Maya is starting to as well."

"I'm not going to be in the middle of this." Maya said as she walked by them, following the rest.

They said some more, but Maya wasn't listening. She didn't want to be used as a middle. Having to choose sides from the people she loved was not something she was going to do. At least at a time like this. The more in between she was of things, the less of a chance she would have to find Henry.

"I can handle a couple of thorns." David said to Hook angrily. Maya could tell he was being stubborn. She understood that he didn't want to be told what to do by the pirate, but she thought he was being a bit over dramatic about it.

"It's not the thorns you need to worry about, it's the poison inside of them. It's called Dream shade. This was the poison that I used to hurt the dark one. " Hook said as he looked at it.

"The poison that almost killed Gold?" Emma asked looking at it.

"Indeed, but that was a concentrated dose. In its natural form death would be much slower and far more painful. We should find a way around it. I suggest this way." Hook said as he pointed to the right.

"We'll go this way." David said as he walked towards the left. They all passed Hook and Maya looked up to him and shrugged then kept walking. It was her way of saying she was sorry but there was nothing she could do about it. She could tell Hook was trying to be good, even if it was just for her sister.

"Up here. We made it." David said as they looked over a large cliff. "Stay back Maya." He said looking to her as she stayed a little ways back. It was a long ways up from the ground.

"All I see is jungle." Regina said looking over the large forest.

"Aye. The dark jungle." Hook said as they all looked to it. "It's grown so much since I've last been in Neverland."

"So this nature hike got us no where." Regina said agitated.

"Hook may have led us astray but at least we are in a good position to start combing the jungle." David said thinking positively.

"Not exactly." Hook said to them. "The dark jungle is the last place you want to go into. We will have to go around and for that we will need our strength. I suggest we make camp." Hook said as Maya sighed.

"You wanna sleep while my son is out there suffering?" Regina asked angrily. Maya agreed. Henry could've been tortured for all they knew and Maya wanted to get to him as soon as possible. The thought of those things happening to Henry upset her.

"If we want to live long enough to save the boy, yes." Hook answered as they followed him. He was right. They couldn't get Henry if they could barely save themselves.

Curious: Restless ~OUAT Fanfic~ [Season 3]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat