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  Dear Josh,

  I'm glad someone sat with you at lunch today. Even if you didn't introduce yourself to anyone, I'm still proud of you. Honestly, I could never really be disappointed in you- why would anyone? It's kind of sad when I think about it: You're the only person at this school that I trust even a little bit, and we've never even spoken- well, that you know of. But don't worry your pretty little head over that. I'll reveal myself eventually, I promise.

  Reason #4: Alright, this is going to sound kind of superficial, especially after all of the other notes, but you are really pretty. Your eyes are so sweet and gentle, and, not to be creepy, but your lips are pretty kissable if I do say so myself- which I do. Honestly, I wish you'd appreciate the way you look a lot more and flaunt it instead of hiding behind all those over-sized sweaters- not that they don't look adorable on you.


    Your Secret Admirer

Dear Josh,

  I wish you had been in school today. I missed you. But, life must go on- and so must the notes. Hey, the bright side is you'll have two notes waiting for you tomorrow morning instead of just one! I hope you really like reading these, because, honestly, writing these is the best part of my entire day.

  Reason #5: You're the most modest person I've ever seen. The teachers all say you're at the top of every class, and the art teacher hangs, like, three of your drawings up on her wall every week, but you still deny you're good at anything. It's pretty frustrating, actually, but don't worry, I still love you.

  Dear Josh,

  You're back! I hope you enjoy your double letter today. What, did you think that I wouldn't write just because you were absent? Think again. Also, you may be wondering when I write these, considering that in the last one I knew you were absent, but today I don't know anything about how your day will go. I write these either the night before or morning. You've probably seen me in the halls before- I get tutored before school, so I'm here early- you just wouldn't recognize me. Ew, I'm taking up all my space with shit about me. Not happening; this is about you and your wonderful-ness.

  Reason #6: This sounds a little creepy, but you're so... innocent. You never cuss, and you never laugh when the teacher says to turn to page 69 in the textbook. It's adorable, even if it means you'll never understand my dirty jokes, which is a huge tragedy.


    Your Secret Admirer

Six total days had passed since Josh had begun receiving his letters, and every day Tyler was now sitting with him at lunch. He didn't think his luck could get any better. Of course, it had to end eventually. How could anyone let Josh be happy for more than a day or two? What a crime that would be.

  He was walking toward his locker, just wanting to get to his last class of the day. He just wanted to go home and get Monday over with. Just the word made him shudder. Mondays were kind of like him- nobody really liked them, but they were tolerated. A small smile crossed his face at the thought. He'd have to hang that up on his wall or something.

  The smile quickly fell as he blinked himself out of his thoughts.

  Logan and his friends were standing around his locker, snickering and exchanging excited glances. A lump formed in Josh's throat. Should he just leave and go to his last class without his stuff? He wasn't sure what was worse: Being yelled at by the teacher or tormented by Logan and his friends.

  Before he could figure out what he wanted to do, the tall blonde turned. The smirk on his lips sent chills up Josh's arms as the smaller boy's eyes widened with fear.

  "Oh! We were just talking about you, Josh."


i meant to publish this earlier but i totally forgot it was friday so oops

my bad guys i hope you're not asleep yet

actually i also forgot timezones are a thing

but it's 9:30 here so kinda sorta late

the night is still young my friends

*obligatory lowkey begging for votes and comments here*

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