14 · The Introduction of the Explanation

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Park's voice was filled with gratitude. "Thank you for stopping them, Olivia. I don't know what would have happened to Eric if they continued." 

A little speechless, I felt like I didn't do anything to stop Trevor and the others. It was mostly Joshua who snapped Trevor back into place — literally.  

I then understood what Mrs. Park meant. If I didn't hop in, Trevor and Nico wouldn't have stopped since the students watching didn't do anything.  

Fortunately, the school nurse mentioned that Eric's injuries didn't require extensive medical help. However, it didn't mean that Eric was left untouched. I nearly hesitated when Mr. Park encouraged me to visit Eric.  

I wasn't sure how I was going to react to Eric's current state.  

Summoning enough courage, I walked towards the room where it would only be us while the adults stood outside. Carefully peeking inside, I found Eric who was occupying one of the two beds. His legs were stretched out as he sat on the mattress.  

Eric had his eyes on the white bandages, and he released a sigh. Clearing my throat to get his attention, Eric lifted his head. It wasn't long before he threw on a sideways grin for me to see. 

"Hey Olivia." 

Despite the bruises by the corner of his mouth and right eye, Eric was still the handsome guy I knew. Walking closer to his side, I couldn't find any words to say back which left my lips stuck in a tight line. We both knew where this was going to take me. 

"Aw, come on. Don't cry," Eric motioned in a gentle tone. 

Letting out a laugh, I shook my head stubbornly. "Eric Jihoon Park, I am not crying." 

When my best friend looked like he was going to stand up, I immediately insisted him to sit back down. The irony of this scene — Eric should be recovering, and I needed to stop crying. I wasn't the one who got ambushed by a bunch of huge football players.  

As I sat on the right side of his bed, Eric went back to his original position and reached for my hand. Taking his hand, I gave him a closed grin in assurance that I wouldn't be such a crybaby.  

Discreetly observing the two bandages on his upper arm, I asked, "How are you feeling?" 

Eric shrugged a little. "Being publicly beaten up in school isn't something to be happy about, but I'm fine. Trevor sure can kick." 

The reminder that Trevor was the designated kicker for the football team caused chills to run up my spine. 

He then completed, "But, Trevor and Nico aren't strong enough to break me." 

From there, we shared a short laugh at his narcissistic comment, but I did believe Eric.  

He would have kicked their asses if Calvin and Francisco weren't involved. Knowing Eric, he wouldn't lay a finger on them on school grounds even if it was for his defense. If Eric was defending someone else though — like Mikaela or me — he would reconsider. He didn't have to tell me because that was something the three of us would all do for each other.  

I couldn't help but ask, "Eric, how did this all happen? Is it true what Trevor said?" 

There was a brief trail of silence in the room until Eric eventually nodded his head.  

He cleared up the confusion, "It happened that Saturday. I didn't plan to do anything to him, it just happened. When Joshua and I closed up the cafe´ that night, Trevor happened to be passing by. Olivia, if you only saw him, it was like everything was okay to him. Trevor even had the nerve to tell me that he was on his way to a party. He just got caught cheating on his girlfriend, and he thinks it's all right to go out? Did Mikaela not matter to him at all?"  

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