Chapter 2~ On the Road

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The drive with a full bladder was annoying as hell, Grayson thought she was going to burst. Doing the pee dance in the jeep sucked. She decided to just pull over on any dirt road. Not caring who saw her goodies.

"Oh my god, I'm going to piss myself, Kitty. Gotta pee, Gotta pee. I really should stop saying that I swear Kitty it's making me want to pee worse.. Hell that's it, I don't care if there isn't a turn-off we are stopping now. I cant drive another minute. Baby wipes, check. Leash check, I don't need you running off Kitty." Grayson pulls quickly off the road slams the jeep in park and jumps out.

Ripping her yoga pants down she lets it flow," Ahhhh, pure bliss Kitty. Remind me next time not to guzzle down all that coke. Whoa Whoa, Kitty damn it! You did it again. Damn stupid dog. Pissing on me is a no, no! I mean come on do I look like a bush, tree or shiny red fire hydrant. I swear if you do that again Kitty I'm getting you a shock collar. Stop staring at me with those puppy dog eyes. I'm serious. No More Pissing on me, got it Kitty. Good. Stupid dog, I smell of dog piss, I now have to change on the side of the road, its not enough that my goodies were on display while I was peeing for my life now I have to give a strip show to all the truckers passing by. Nice one Kitty," putting Kitty back into the jeep Grayson grabs a clean pair of denim short shorts. Trying to hide behind the jeep as much as possible she changes quickly.

Grayson shivers. She feels like someone is watching her. Trying to not make it obvious she drops her yoga pants on the ground. While bending over she does a scan of her surroundings. Nothing is out of the ordinary. But the feeling is still there. She has always had great instincts. Something she learned to trust all long time ago and never disobeyed them. If her gut told her someone was watcvhing her thaan someone was damn well watvching her and waiting. Jumping at the sound of a high pierced bark. Grayson looks at Kitty, who is frantically clawing at the window. Grabbing th eyoga pants off the ground she hurries over to the driver door.

"Ok, Ok, Kitty im coming. Sheez, you are one bossy dog. No need to get your tail in a curl I'm coming. And yes I said I would give you a treat you little piggy," Grayson casually reprimands her dog. Getting back her jeep she glances into her rearview mirror and sees a shadow along the tree line. Turning the key she throws her jeep in drive and floors the gas pedal shooting out like a bat outta hell.

"Kitty, you saw that too, or sensed it huh boy. Such a good little pisser you are. We need to get the hell outta here and start finding a better place to hide. Ok here's the plan boy, we are heading west towards Cali then we are cutting north heading through Canada then to our new home. This is gonna be a long ass journey and interesting for sure. Can you handle it, Kitty?" her ramblings spoken in a hush tone to her dog. Short happy barks was the confirmation she wanted to hear.

 Unknown pov

"So our girl has grown up, but this one is different, than all the others. This one may have a chance the others couldn't achieve. This one will set the wrongs right and right wrongs. Her destiny is coming full circle, sisters. We have been waiting for a long time to see our history set to right. Her vengeance will come swift and hard.  I can not believe she has finally been born. The one has finally come to pass," a dark shadowy figure said aloud. Thinking of all the pain her sisters and she had gone through cut deeper each time. She could only watch never speak, touch or feel her child of children. It was 600 years of seeing her family die horrific deaths by the same man each time. The man who killed her sisters while she was off giving birth in the scared forest. Yet no one knew she had a child. A child who was born of rape by that same person who murdered her sisters. She had cursed his very soul out of desperation and he had cursed his own child, his own flesh and blood out of spite. The day he killed her was a day the earth stood still. Chaos rained down from the heavens and hell rose above to entertain themselves with blood.  Being born a goddess didn't prevent her death nor did it prevent her sisters. But this curse was coming to and end. Soon she would join her sisters in the afterlife instead of walking in the shadows between nothing. She would know the ultimate peace. Sighing she walked back into the shadows her name was unknown to anyone now, she had been wiped from this earth and from the minds of her followers. Never to be called again.

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