“Well what about you? You’re a year younger than them,” Amber shot back. “It’s different. I’m only a friend. Besides, even if I happened to like one of them, it wouldn’t work out,” I answered simply as we walked back together. “Why is that?” Amber questioned. “I am very average, and I would be too focused on studying,” I said, sitting down. Amber sighed at me, “Why do you always say that? Do I need to get Celeste over here to set you straight?” I shook my head, shuddering at how scary my closest best friend, Celeste Lewings, could be.

“No need. Anyways, isn’t Celeste in Europe?” I asked. Amber smiled at me, “You know for sure that she would come down here, and yell at you.” Just as she finished her sentenced, the guys all gathered around the table. “What were you two talking about? Me?” Stephan asked, leaning in between Amber and me. I rolled my eyes slightly, “Yes! We were talking about how you better be the best at bowling, or we’re leaving your team.”

Stephan laughed, “Of course I’m the best. I have won all the games.” Hunter let out a snicker, “Yeah, he’s won every game that I wasn’t here to play.” I heard Reed laugh, and Ty trying not to. “Maybe this time  we’ll beat you three,” I said, standing from my chair. Ty looked at me in amusement, Hunter rose is eyebrow, and Reed cocked his head to the right. All three of them were basically mocking me with their eyes.

“Is that a challenge?” Hunter asked, a smirk at his lips. I gulped slightly. What am I getting myself into, exactly? Amber stepped forward, “Bring it on! We’ve got this, right Enne?” The girl turned towards me, giving me a devilish grin. My confidence boosted, and I felt as if I could do anything. “Bring it on you guys!” I said happily.

Hunter thought for a moment, and snapped his fingers, “How about a small wager, then?” Stephan stood next to me, leaning in to whisper in my ear, “I’m all for girl power, but I would like a say in this. I want to get payback for Ter ruining my life.” I nodded, not even sure what I would give up for this little bet. “We accept your challenge, Ter,” Stephan said. “For goodness’ sake, Stephan. Are you really going to waltz right into another bet with Ter?” Reed questioned.

“It’s fine. Besides, I have two others who are going to be with me,” Stephan said confidently. He just didn’t want to be alone in this! Hunter only shrugged, while Reed and Ty shook their heads. “Alright, let’s see…. How about making it simple. Whichever team wins, gets to choose one person to do their bidding. Basically, the winning team gets a week full of wishes from the person they choose. Have we got a deal?” Hunter asked, sticking his hand out.

My hand came forward, and took his, “Deal.” Hunter let out a laugh, and turned to Ty and Reed. “Let’s get the game started,” he said, going towards his seat. “I have a feeling I’m going to regret this decision you two have made,” Amber said under her breath, “It’s no big deal! As long as we win, everything’s fine!” Stephan said with practically all his confidence.

I rolled my eyes, “So if we lose, we get to blame you.” Stephan shrugged, grinning at me, “Well, if we do win… then you should gladly thank me.” Amber let out a laugh, “Oh he does not know what he’s getting into… he’s obviously never met my dear older brother.” I heard someone clear their throat. “Are you done? Can we start the game now?” Hunter asked. “Bring it on, Ter!” Stephan exclaimed. “Alright. The game is the same as any other. Just have fun, and set out to win,” Reed explained briefl


“Alright! Last round!” I heard Reed say from his chair. I watched as Hunter got up, getting ready for his turn. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see Stephan sitting next to me. He gave me an evil grin, “I want you to do something when it’s Hunter’s turn.” I rose an eyebrow, “What on earth are you talking about?” Stephan’s grin grew bigger, “When Hunter swings his arm back, grab the ball. It’s simple.” I shook my head, laughing a bit, “That is ridiculous! Why would I do that? He’ll get mad at me.”

“No he won’t. Just do it,” Stephan insisted. “Then you do it,” I hissed, as Hunter walked up to his ball. “But he’ll get mad at me. He won’t get mad at you though,” Stephan continued. “No,” I hissed. “Just gooooo~ I’ll owe you,” Stephan whined. “Fine,” I said, quickly standing.

I walked over to unter, receiving a few weird looks from Ty and Reed. Hunter swung his arm back, and right when he was about to throw, I grabbed the ball. It surprisingly slipped off his fingers easily. My eyes widened, and I held in my laugh.

Hunter turned around, his head tilted in confusion. “What the- Hey!!” he exclaimed. I let out my laugh, and turned around to find Stephan. I quickly handed him the ball. “Thank you~” Stephan said, giving me a wink. “Hey, now Adrienne, that’s not fair,” Hunter said. I shuddered at how his voice dripped like honey. I turned around to face him, my eyes almost popping out of my head. He had moved to where he was only a few inches away from my face.

“You’ll regret that,” he said softly, smirking at me. I let out a nervous laugh. “Eheh…. This was Stephan’s idea!!!!” I blurted out. I ran back towards Amber, trying to get away from Hunter. all I heard was Hunter laugh, and take his turn. “Is that what you and Stephan were talking about?” Amber asked. “Yeah. I kinda want the game to be over… I wanna know who wins,” I said, smiling. She nodded in agreement.


In an hour, the game ended. In the last round, we were in a tie at first… but Stephan messed up and Hunter got a strike. I gulped, looking over at Ty with pleading eyes, knowing that he’d go easy on me. “Well now… Let’s decided on who gets whom,” Hunter said. Hunter looked over at Ty, “You can pick first. You’re new here.” Ty looked at me, then at Amber.

“Okay… Then…” Ty began, looking between Amber and me, “Amber.” Amber let out a small sigh of relief. I looked over at him, eyes wide. Ty walked over, “Sorry, Enne… I don’t want these guys ordering Amber around…” I nodded, understanding. She’s only a high school student, and it would be awkward explaining the situation. Reed went next, and chose Stephan. “Oh thank God! Last time I was stuck being Ter’s slave, and it freaking sucked!” Stephan said with a sigh of relief.

Hunter smirked in my direction, “Guess we’re going to have some fun, right Housemate?” I gulped, laughing nervously. I have a hunch that this isn’t really going to be as “fun” as I’d hope.

(A/N: I don't know if anyone is still reading ;A; I'm sorry for not updating for many years, but you know the usual excuse... school and stuff came up. Anywhooooo, please leave a vote and a comment, it is much appresiated!~

Mandy )

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