First Day At the Beach

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I had woken up later than I usually would've. It was only an hour after the usual time, but it still had a small impact on my schedule. As I was taking off my shirt, I heard a knock on my door before it suddenly swung open. My eyes widened as I yelped in surprise.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I heard a panicked Hunter exclaim. I blushed, my face becoming warm in embarrassment as I tried to cover myself with my shirt. "What do you want?" I hissed. Hunter blinked, staring at me blankly.

"Hunter!!" I said angrily. "Huh? Oh, sorry... umm, basically I just wanted to let you know about the beach trip," he said, looking everywhere but at me. He's embarrassed... Possibly even more than myself... "Okay..." I said.

"So, uh... I'll talk to you about it after you..." He trailed off. I nodded quickly and pushed him out the door. "I should really lock it when I change..." I murmured before I rushed to get dressed. After dressing, I walked into the living room.

"What'd you want to talk about?" I asked as I sat down on the couch. "Reed thought it'd be fun to head to the beach. His uncle owns an inn near the pier, so we'd get to stay overnight," Hunter explained, "Did you want to come with?"

"Do I really have any other option?" I asked. Hunter laughed a little, "I guess not." I nodded, "Alright, I'm going." He said nothing and stood from his spot. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To get ready. you should too. We're leaving in an hour or two. pack for enough clothes for three days," Hunter said before heading up stairs.

I headed to my room and packed. when I was finished I still had about an hour or half hour left to kill. I walked back out into the living room and found Hunter on the couch, playing in his phone. Wait... I'm going to be the only girl there?! "Hey... Can I invite Amber?" I asked him.

He looked up from his phone, "Sure. Why?" I gave him a small smile, "I just don't want to be the only girl." He nodded, "I understand. you can invite Tyler if you want to, too." my smile grew, "Well. You're being extra nice." he simply shrugged.

I called Ty and invited him and Amber to come with us. Fortunately, they agreed. After another hour passed, we left to pick up Amber and Tyler then headed to Reed's house.

When we got to Reed's house, Stephan was already there. Stephan ran up to the car, frowning. "Thank god! Let's hurry and go! I've been doing that demon's laundry since we lost!" he whined. "That's your fault for losing, isn't it?" Hunter said with a smirk. "Ter, how can you be so mean to your best friend?!" Stephan cried.

"Shut up and tell Reed we're here. if we're going to leave, it has to be now, before all the traffic," Hunter said. "Fine!" Stephan said with a pout. As he brought Reed out with him, I laughed a bit, "How can you have friends like that?" Hunter glanced at me and shrugged, "Dunno."

Everyone waved at Reed as he made his way to his car. We followed him in Hunter's car for about an hour, to the beach. The drive went by quickly, what with all of us talking and what not. As soon as we reached the beach, we parked at a small inn and restaurant.

"Woah! It's so cute here!" I heard Amber exclaim beside me. "It really is," I said in awe. "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," Tyler chuckled. I snapped my mouth shut, and glared at Ty. "Be quiet," I muttered.

"Come on. Just follow me," Reed said, entering the inn. Everyone followed behind him. As soon as we walked in, we were immediately greeted by an older man with the same blond hair as Reed and ocean blue eyes. "Welcome, Reed and friends!" the man said joyously.

"Hey, Uncle Ray," Reed said with a smile. "It's great to have you back, Reed. Oh, is that you, Hunter, Stephan?" Mr. Harris said. "Yes, sir," Hunter said with a smile. Stephan grinned, "Hello, Ray!" Mr. Harris looked over at Amber, Ty, and me. "And these are..." He trailed off.

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