"You know that's been my best friend since forever " I shrugged.

"Still doesn't change my opinion of him." She rolled her eyes. She can have an attitude I don't care, we had our issues so that's why we're not a fan of one another.

"You hungry ?" She shrugged and laid her head on my chest. I sighed and made her look at me.

"You really mad at me? " she shook her head and yawned.

"No just tired, but we can get some food tho . " I nodded and said okay. And Dillyn tapped me on my shoulder and I looked at him.

"We can go to dis shrimp place ova dere by MLK "

"They shrimp so good we should go " Typh said clapping her hands together.

we both agreed and she slid out of my embrace and we walked to the car. We buckled in and pulled out and followed Dillyn and Typh.

Desiree and I went by Johnny's to get some shrimp since we were going to her house and it's nearby her school. We ordered our food then we sat at a vacant table and waited. I just pulled out my phone got on twitter scrolling and watching videos on my timeline then I seen a flash in the corner of my eye.

"Really D? " she laughed which made me laugh.

"It was a good off guard I'll send it to you ." I nodded and leaned back in my chair while we waited. I heard two cars pull up outside but I didn't look up. Then the bell at the door went off indicating someone was walking in and in this case it was a few people. So finally me being nosey I looked up .

"Is that lil Chres?" I smirked and got up to hug her .

"Hey Typh how you been? " she shrugged.

"I been good . I got to transfer back out here for my last semester so it's all good . How you been?"

"I been cool, better than yesterday. Lemme introduce you to someone." Desiree got up and walked over.

"This is Desiree, D this is Typh she's basically like my big sister." She smiled and waved at her.

"It's nice to meet you ." Typh smiled back .

"Nice to meet you too." A dude a little taller than me walked up behind her.

"Baybeh you wasn't gon introduce me?" She rolled her eyes and smiled .

"Chres and Desiree this is my boyfriend Dillyn , he's a little retarded " he straight faced her and I laughed.

"Anyway nice ta meet ya " he nodded at us both.

"Like wise ." The bell at the door went off again and I heard a familiar voice.

"Never been here so you gotta tell me what's good ." I looked to see Maya walking in with that nigga behind her. I was happy to see her I could care less about him. She saw me and smiled.

"Hey feo " I smirked.

"Wassup girl " that guy Dillyn walked over to Corey and said something to him and Corey glanced at Desiree and looked back at him. Then they walked up to our little conversation and spoke.

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