Chapter One - Wonderland

Start from the beginning


Shayla was just chilling out in her room when she got a call from Cory.






"Listen Shayla, I was wondering if you wanted to auction off some of your artwork?"


"That was quick answer."

"Well, I'm not going to bring then back to NYC with me am I?"

"Makes sense. I'll need you in the gallery at five to pick out the ones for the auction."

"Alright, I'll be there."

I hung up and checked the time. It was about four thirty and for someone who takes a long time to get ready Shayla knew she would have to start getting ready now if she wanted to be even close to being on time. She ran up the marble stair case and into the master bedroom. Shayla tore open the doors and started looking for her pencil skirt after a hard search she found it. She threw on her clothes. Then fixed her hair, which took a while for her to straighten her wavey hair. Then she put on a bit of make up then left for the gallery. She met Cory outside the gallery, he was holding a bunch of papers in his that read In the Auction, and he placed them under the paintings Shayla picked.

"I can't believe all that food." said Niall laying down on his bunk.

"The art show starts soon." Zayn said looking at the time on his phone. "Louis are you coming?"

"I'll catch up later, mate." Louis said poking his head down from the top bunk.

"You know where it is?"



Zayn changed out of his swim trunks and into jeans, a shirt and a nice blazer. He left and went down to the gallery. The walked into the gallery and admired the beautiful paintings and photographs along the walls. He stopped and looked at a work that was a mixture of a painting and a photograph. One side of the canvas had a colourful fantasy world and the other had half a girl's face just looking straight forward. He gazed a across the room and found the same beautiful face in the room. She was standing there wearing a black skirt, white t-shirt and she had a red neck tie tied loosely around her neck. She was talking to an old couple, Zayn could tell that she wasn't enjoying the conversation by the way she sipped her wine. After the couple left he grabbed a glass of wine and waltzed over to go talk to her.

"Are you the artist?" He said taking a look at the canvas she was standing by.

"I am." She said extending her long thin arm. "Shayla Benna."

"Zayn Malik." He said shaking her hand.

Shayla of course knew who he was but she didn't let on.

"So your're auctioning off some of your works."

"Yeah, I, uh, got the call this morning and some people for interested in buying some."

"Your not selling this one." He said geturing to the one he was admiring before.

"Oh, because, that one's my favorite. It's called, Wonderland."

"That's a shame, I would have bought it."

"You would have to fight the lady I was just talking to to the ground because she was trying to bribe me with her grandson. And I'm like ma'am think about what your doing."

Zayn laughed and they enjoyed each other's company.

"One of my mates are actually here, and I'd love if I could introduce you."

Zayn left to go find Louis. He just entered the gallery and was only a few paintings in.

"Quite like these." Louis said to Zayn looking at a black and white abstract.

"I just met the artist. She's quite the girl, you should be acquainted."

"Quite the girl, eh? Where is she?"

Zayn lead Louis further into the gallery. When Louis saw her, without him saying anything, Zayn knew that Louis agreed with him.

"This is my friend Louis." Zayn said introducing him to Shayla. "Louis, this is Shayla Benna, the artist."

She put her arm out to shake his hand but the grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Pleasure's mine."

She blushed. Zayn decided to go back up to the room and Louis and Shayla continued talking.

"You are a very talented photographer."

"Oh, please any girl who can point a camera could be a photographer."

He laughed. Louis liked her sense of humor.

"Well then, a toast." He said raising his glass. "To a girl who can point a camera."

She laughed and raised her glass.

They took a sip of their drinks.

"You should come meet the rest of the boys."

"I'd like that, but.." She said looking at the clock on the wall. "I need to be here for another fifteen minutes. Do you mind waiting with me. You guys are the most interesting people I've talked to all night."

"I'd be delighted." He said smiling at her.

After the show was over, Louis and Shayla left the gallery. When they were outside Louis offered her arm and said, "Shall we."

"We shall." She said taking his arm.

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