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3rd Person POV

As Faelecia walked into the popular Los Angelos bar, she spotted some people she knew. By knew, she meant people she's seen around town. Faelecia never considered herself as popular or likable, she just thought of herself as a girl who didn't look ugly. She never really judged herself, she liked the way she looked.

And then we have Brendon. He was the most popular person in LA, and probably the richest. He wore the fanciest suits and always cared about his looks. Not so much though. He knew he had the looks to make any woman melt.

"Jessica, I don't know why you had to drag me to this club," Faelecia said, pulling at her friend's arm.

"To have fun! Why else?" She laughed, making Faelecia roll her eyes. Jessica and her have been friends ever since they were in grade school. She had a few friends, but she preferred having a couple of great, close friends than having a load of regular friends.

She only had a few close friends, those being Jessica, Jaida, Nevada, Anna and Zoe. And the best thing is that they were all friends since grade school.

"This is dumb, Jess! I could be home eating my third tub of ice cream as I watch Riverdale!" She defended, sitting on a bar stool.

"I'll have a gin," Jessica told the bartender, who nodded and took a glass off the shelf and poured her the drink. He slid it across the table and she sent him a smile.

She usually never drank, unless it's a special occasion, and it's usually a glass of red wine.

"You ma'am?" She put her hand up as in a 'no I'm good'.

She was driving home tonight.

Jessica took a sip of her drink and took a glance around the room. Faelecia did the same, but she actual tried to look for someone who seemed legit.

"Mhm, see anyone you like?" Jessica asked her, wriggling her eyebrows. Faelecia rolled her eyes and laughed.

"No, not really,"

She scoffed and took another, smaller sip of her gin, taking another quick gaze.

She did the same and looked around, seeing a man who faces she's seen on countless billboards.

Brendon Urie,

He walked over to the bar with that cocky smile on his face. Faelecia wanted to slap that smile off his face.

Brendon was only older than these ladies by three years. He was thirty and they were twenty-seven.

"Hello ladies, may I buy you a drink?" He asked, leaning against the bar. Faelecia rolled her eyes as Jessica blushed.

"I'm good!" She sent him the same hand signal she sent that bartender. He grew a playful smirk on his lips and looked at Jessica, but then gazing his attention back to Faelecia.

"Someone's playing hard to get, aren't they?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not playing anything, and I plan on not playing anything with you." She sassed. Brendon smiled even more, moving a little closer to her.

"C'mon doll, just one drink won't do anything." He tried to offer again, but Faelecia refused.

"I'm driving my friend home, I can't." She hardened her tone, making Brendon chuckle.

"Baby, I can send a taxi to her address and you could come home with me." Faelecia was getting upset that Brendon was making moves on her and Jessica was watching, instead of sticking up for her friend.

"Leave me alone, please." She clenched her hands into a fist. Brendon thought it was cute at how she was getting frustrated. He placed his hand on her fist, making her decontract them. Even though Faelecia thought she hated this feeling so much, she knew that her stomach was getting butterflies because she enjoyed this.

"Did you read Dr. Seuss as a kid? Because green eggs and damn!" He said, causing Faelecia to smile and blush. She immediately stopped and tried to get back to being serious.

"Stop! I'm not in the mood to be with a cocky man who only cares about his money and his looks!" He scoffed sarcastically and set his drink down, walking over to Faelecia.

"I don't even know your name, but I still know that I want you. You're the first woman who I've ever seen and wanted at first sight, and I'm not just saying this because I want to get with a girl, but because I find you fascinating." He said, placing his hands on her hips. She smiled, and this time, she didn't wanna hide it.

"C'mon doll, let's go to the dance floor," He took her hand and walked over to the dancefloor.

Faelecia's POV

Brendon brought us to the dancefloor and coughed loudly, causing everyone to look at us and leave the floor, apologizing from under their breath.

Didn't really surprise me, because Brendon was the most popular person in the state. He glared the DJ, who put on a salsa song.

"I don't know how to salsa though," I said, looking at Brendon, who had a shimmer in his eyes.

"Just follow my lead." He started moving his feet, and I slowly added myself in, getting used to this upbeat dancing.

"Wow, poppet, you're good at this!" He smiled, this time I enjoyed it.

"Poppet?" I asked, making him smile as we continued dancing, all eyes on us.

"It's what the British use instead of doll." He informed me, making me nod my head. He smiled and leaned in. I couldn't control myself, and I leaned in too. Our lips collided, and I knew what was going on. I stopped it and tried to leave, but Brendon held a tight grip on me.

"Let me go!" I started freaking out. Brendon rubbed my back, but still, while I struggled, he never let me leave.

"It's alright, here, let's go to the bar, a drink may make you feel better." He led me to the bar, and Jessica was already gone.

She probably found a guy.

Brendon ordered me a martini and the bartender handed it to him in no time.

"Here sweetie, maybe this will help." He passed it to me. I took a sip and cringed at first, but actually enjoyed it.

"When are we going to your place?"

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